010 | stalkerish

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(A/N) sorry for not posting any chapters, haven't been writing recently but I'm trying.

Billie's POV

"She actually told him that?" Finneas laughs out. "I'm not joking, what if it's true." I say kinda irritated.

"Yeah sounds really believable to me." He says sarcastically.

Before I could respond Maggie walks into the kitchen. "What's happening here?" She says sitting on one of the tall chairs between us.

"Billie just told me a wonderful story about how Roxy got kidnapped just after she got born." He chuckles

Maggie raises her eyebrow looking at me. "And where did you hear that?" I clear my throat nervously. "I-uhm kinda went to her house."

"You did what?!" They both say out loud. I look down. Maggie speaks up "Billie you can't just go to her house nor can you just drive everywhere, people will start noticing that it's you."

I nod understanding "you know that old man right?" They both nod. "I searched on Google with that photo the paparazzi made." I open my computer showing them the open tab. "This is what I found."

Their eyes both widen in shock after reading it.


I get pushed down the wall by the stranger yelling at me. Everything feels like a blur. I get kicked into my stomach. It doesn't feel real I couldn't feel the kick. It's like I couldn't feel anything like I'm numb.

"Im sorry im sorry." I mumble repeatedly.

Finneas shakes me awake, I was laying on his bed realizing I fell asleep while we were making music. "Hey you okay, you were hyperventilating in your sleep." He says worried. I sigh, it's okay it was just a dream calm down Billie. "Yeah its okay." I shrug it of.

"But you were repeating the words 'in sorry', are you sure you okay?" "Just a nightmare it's fine."

After telling Finneas multiple times that I'm okay he went downstairs getting a glass of water for me. He told me it was almost morning and that we made music all night. I'm glad we finished the second last song of the album.

We have been busy with this album for almost three years, and I know that's a really long time for only ten songs, but I want the songs to be long and weird. I want people to dance while listening and feel all different kinda emotions at the same time.

Finneas walks back into the room with a glass of water with ice in it. He closes the door slowly making sure it won't make a loud noise in case it wakes up our parents.

"Here you go." He hands the glass of water and i nod giving my brother a small smile.

After taking a sip I place the glass on the nightstand. Finneas is focusing on his screen doing whatever what he's doing right now.

I decide to scare him and place my hands on his shoulders saying 'boo' loudly. He jumps putting off his headphones. "Billie." He sighs placing his hand on his heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I chuckle giving him an evil smile.

"I'll be going to my own room now." I say standing up, Finneas gives me a nod in response.

I walk out the room hinting Shark to come with me.

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