004 | who is she

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(A/N) Make sure to vote the chapter and leave a comment :)

Billies POV

It's a mess, everything is a mess since that girl suddenly showed up three days ago. She hasn't been seen again after that but people are still talking about it.

After finneas found out, he went insane, insane as in like going crazy on what to do with these rumors. Right now I can't go outside because of that girl. Our hairs are different and that's even gonna start more rumors.

Does Billie Eilish have a twin sister?

Girl got surgery to look like the celebrity Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish dyed and cut her hair short

Strange girl showing up out of nowhere
looking exactly like Billie Eilish

Does this have to do with Billies new album?

Do they know each other?
Who is this?

Who is this?

Who is this?


Two days ago

"Good morning momma" I say smiling giving her a warm hug. Maggie answers with a smile "Good morning Billie."

It was nine am. Finneas and Patrick were still sleeping. We both sit down at the kitchen island in comfortable silence

Yesterday Zoe, my best friend sent me a photo of a girl looking exactly like me. She said her name is Roxy. I don't know what to do with that info and I've kept it to myself after Zoe and me had a small talk on the phone. Especially since when I asked Zoe what to do with this she literally said 'eat the info'.

I chew on my lip while my knee is shaking. I don't know why I'm so anxious about this but something could go wrong really bad and that would ruin my career, it would ruin Finneases career too, and my parents career too.

Maggie glances over to me "is everything okay sweetheart?" Momma asks. I shrug "not the best." She gives me a worried look, she always does that. She's a really overprotective parent and I love her for that.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, I won't force you. But if you ever need someone to be there for you, I will" Momma says softly.

I feel tears forming into my eyes and give her a big hug before she could see me crying. "You're the best, i love you" I mumble. She rests her chin against my head, "I love you too."

Both our heads snap towards the door hearing it cracking open, heavy footsteps coming from the hallway. "Guys" Finneas says breathing heavily. Maggie immediately stands up leaving her daughter sitting alone at the kitchen island. "What happened, are you okay love?" Maggie says worried. Without saying anything Finneas holds up his phone showing a photo which I can't see because I'm sitting too far away.

"Who- Billie?" Mom says confused. "A girl looking exactly like Billie, at the mall. Lots of paparazzi and questions. Did none of y'all see this?" Finneas glances at me, mom turns her head around to me, now them both watching me.

I knew this would happen, this is gonna turn into fucking chaos.

"Billie do you know anything about this?"

I told Zoe that this was gonna turn into something big.

I glance at my phone the messages spamming in

You dyed your hair?

Ur lost twin lol

Billie why would you go to a public mall?

I thought you said you wouldn't cut your hair

Who is the old man next to you

Who is she?

Who is she
Who is she.


"BILLIE" finneas claps his hands in front of my face making me snap out my thoughts.

"Huh, yes?" I look around. Me and finneas sitting on his bed.

"You zoned out, but like I was saying. When you sing the part 'I don't know you at all' can you maybe do it a higher note?"

I nod in answer.

"Perfect" finneas smiles clapping his hands. "You did good" he hits my shoulder jokingly. "Yeah, thanks" I muttered forcing a smile on my face.

Finneas gives me a worried look realizing im not paying fully attention to what he's saying.
"Billie, I know it's hard right now and I understand. We're gonna find that Roxy girl fast okay."

Roxy POV

It's been three days later after that paparazzi problem. Theo said it's better if I stay here with him and sleep in the guest room. Which is fine or else he'd probably had to pay more money for that hotel room.

Theo walks back into the living room putting the two cups of tea on the small table. "So what u thinking about?" He asks curiously while taking a seat next to be on the couch.

How much I wanted to tell someone about that place, I could never. They probably wouldn't even believe me. Like who would believe that you got kidnapped just right after you were born and then thrown into some business you don't want to be in?

"Nothing you should worry about" I say mumbling.

His forehead furrowed "Why is that?"

Because you won't believe me, no one will.

I stay quiet keeping my head down, making it obvious that I don't wanna talk about it.

"Hey you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, and I know these days have been hard but I'm here for you okay." Theo says softly

I nod and give him a half-hearted smile "thank you Theo."

After having a two hour conversation Theo is going to the food store and some other stores. "Do you need anything? You know to do something when your bored."

I think for a moment

I mean I'd love a new notebook. My last notebook is full and still at that place. There are mostly songs, poems and drawings in it. It's the only way I can show my emotions, I'd rather write my emotions on paper anyway. Otherwise you'll get all these questions thrown at ur head and worried looks.

"Maybe a notebook and a pencil?" I ask "of course" he gives me a smile. "Ill be back at five." I nod in response looking at the clock, 3:45.

Before I could say anything else I could hear the door closing. Now what can I do in these two hours.

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