Baby Nika Bad

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Beyoncé POV:

"Nika, come on baby it's time for naptime." I called out to Nika as she was laying on the living room floor drawing on one of her coloring books.

"Noooo! I'm not done colowing yet!" Baby Nika protested.

"You can finish when you wake up baby I promise. Come with Mama." I held out my hand infront of her to take.

"No I do now!" She continued to color and act like she didn't notice me when I tried getting her attention.

"Do I need to call your Daddy and tell him about your behavior?" I threatened knowing she would listen as soon as I brought up Jay.

"No Dada!" Nika whined sitting up on her butt.

"Come on then ladybug, nap time." I held out my hand once more and she finally took it, standing up with a small pout.

"No pouting, be happy." I let my thumb run across her lips as a sign for her to put the pout up.

"Mama I have milk?" Nika looked up to me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Yes baby, let's go to your room and Mama will give you some milk." I promised as I led her upstairs to her room.

When we reached her room I sat on her bed and pulled her onto my lap. I pulled my shirt above my head which allowed my top half to be naked since I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Here baby, this one is more full." As soon as I held out my right boob to Nika and she latched on.

We started breastfeeding because first of all I was developing milk in my breasts and lactating. But also I heard from my sister Kelly that it's a great bonding experience between you and your little.

I soon felt a pain shoot through my breast, "Ouch Nika!" I smacked her thigh, "Don't bite down, that hurts Mommy."

Nika unlatched with a guilty look on her face causing some milk to shoot out of my nipple until it abruptly stopped.

"Sowwy Mommy." Nika apologized and hugged my neck.

"It's okay my baby, you just startled Mommy. Be more careful ladybug." I saw Nika receive it as a mental note then re-latched less aggressive.

I felt as she continued to drink the milk out of my breasts as I calmly rubbed her back and hummed the Barney theme song since it was one of her favorites.

Soon later I felt her sucking slow down which caused me to look down seeing her barely keeping her eyes open.

I started to shift her off of my boob and onto the bed but of course that shook her awake and caused her to whine.

"Babygirl you sucked Mommy dry, and you're tired. Shh Shh night night." I turned her to lay on her stomach while I rubbed her back.

"Nigh' Nigh'" I heard her quietly mumble as her eyes were closing.

I was rubbing her back until I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I silently walked out to answer.

"Hello?" I answered the phone since I didn't check the caller ID.

"Hey baby" I heard Jay's voice come through the phone which immediately made me smile.

"Hey babe! I didn't expect you to call, are you on a early lunch?" I asked knowing it was 2 o'clock and Jay usually goes on lunch at 3.

"No babe I only had two meetings to attend to this morning, so I'm coming home for the day. I really wanted to surprise y'all but I wanted to see if you and the little monster wanted something to eat. Where is she anyway?"

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