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Beyoncé POV:

I heard small whines through my sleep but didn't pay it any mind until I heard a soft voice call "Mama" and tap me.

I opened my eyes to see Nika standing next to my side of the bed with tears running down her face, "What's wrong my love?"

I sat up trying to give Nika my full attention while I was still waking up. I also checked the time and saw it was 6:00 am, about an hour earlier than I usually wake up.

"Mama I peed on myself!" Nika explained to me with a teary voice. I looked down at her pants and I could definitely see that they were wet.

"It's okay baby, accidents happen. Come on, Mama will run you a bath it's okay." I started to slip out of the bed seeing Nika trying to hold back her tears.

Nika has had a few accidents in the past and hated every single one, just the feeling of being wet she couldn't get over. Especially to think her bottom half was covered in pee. She used to scream and freak out but now she's more calm and will get me or Jay if she needs assistance.

I held her hand and walked straight into my bathroom. I cut on the light and started the bath water immediately, I wanted to get her in there as soon as possible so that she won't have to keep crying and make herself sick.

I turned back around to help her get undressed when I saw that it was blood seeping through her pajama pants and not pee.

"Aww baby, you got your period. You didn't pee on yourself ladybug. Come here, Mama will help you." I reached my hand out for her and she walked towards me.

"Sowwy Mama."

"Why are you apologizing my love?" Beyoncé asked confused as she was helping her out of her clothes.

"I dunno" Nika shrugged stepping out of her pants and soaked panties.

"Don't apologize to Mama, I'm helping you baby. You didn't do anything wrong. Mama should've kept track with the calendar, if I did you wouldn't have to go through this my love. You would probably still be dreaming." Beyoncé slightly scolded herself.

Whenever Nika's period came, hers did too. Meaning she wasn't caring for either of their bodies in the moment. If Jay was aware of that, that would be her ass.

"It otay mama." Nika held Beyoncé's face in her hand which made Beyoncé smile.

Beyoncé chuckled a bit, "Thank you my sweet girl. Come on step in the tub so we can get you all cleaned up."

"Mama get cleaned up?" Nika asked sitting down in the tub.

"Mama isn't dirty, and plus Mama wants you to get clean so I can clean up your room and your sheets okay?"

Nika nodded, "Okay Mama. Toys?" Nika asked pointing to the bathroom cabinet that held her bath toys.

"Sure baby, let Mama grab you a few toys." Beyoncé grabbed about five toys for Nika to play with.

"Make sure to play nicely and quietly too, Daddy is still sleeping baby okay?" Beyoncé asked Nika before she walked out.

"Okay Mama" Nika whispered causing Beyoncé to laugh before she walked out with Nika's pajamas.

Beyoncé went straight to Nika's room. Seeing her bedsheets stained where she was sleeping. She stripped the sheets off the bed and put them in the washer. She took Nika's pajamas into the bathroom to hand wash them. Nika's bathroom wasn't used that much when she was little, but just a little bit more when she's big.

Beyoncé had finished hand washing the blood out of Nika's pajamas and hung them up to dry so that she can properly wash them later on.

As she finished hanging up the clothes she heard Nika squealing in the distance. She marched into her bathroom to reprimand Nika for being loud after she asked her not to.

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