Spoiled Brat

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"For Nika?" Nika held up a toy to Beyoncé.

"Where did you get that from? Did you just run off to the toy aisle Nika?" Beyoncé asked concerned because she didn't notice her leaving or returning, Nika shrugged it off.

"Nika's toy?" She questioned once more.

"Nika we came in here to buy some baking stuff to make cupcakes, not toys right?"

Beyoncé and Nika were currently in target getting frosting and baking decorations after Nika convinced Beyoncé to help her make cupcakes while Jay was at work.

"But I want." Nika whined and pouted.

"Maybe once we get everything we need to, we can come back and pick that toy up if it fits our budget." Beyoncé reasoned with no intention of getting the toy. She even made up the whole budget thing on the spot.

Nika knew there was no budget and that Beyoncé was making it up. Her Daddy made sure that she knew that they could afford any and everything she wanted. Nika put the toy in the basket and started to walk farther in the aisle looking at all of the decorations.

"No Nika, I didn't say you could get the toy. I said we could come back for it at the end of shopping. Take it out the cart and put it back where you found it please."

"No! It's Nika's toy!" Nika stomped her foot down.

"Don't stomp." Beyoncé said looking around feel embarrassed by the on-lookers Nika was causing.

Of course people weren't looking because of their dynamic. But more so of the fact that a dom obviously couldn't keep control of her little.

"Okay, you can keep the toy but no more attitude please." Beyoncé gave into Nika's spoiling.

They both compromised on the type of frosting they wanted and the different decorations. They had regular vanilla frosting but also had edible glitter, funfetti sprinkles, and miraculous and paw patrol toppers.

"Okay NiNi, let's go bye bye we got what we wanted." Beyoncé started to guide Nika to the register.

"Nooo! Toys Mama!" Nika protested stopping their stride.

"You have a toy baby. Look, Nika's toy is right here in the basket." Beyoncé tried to deflect her upcoming tantrum.

"More!! More!!" Nika demanded as she jumped up and down.

"Nika you have all of your toys at home and this one in the basket, you don't need more." Beyoncé tried to reason.

"I'm gonna scream! I'm gonna scream if I don't get toys! Give me toys right now!" Nika raised her voice and looked at Beyoncé with a mean face.

"Nika, you don't need more-" Beyoncé was cut off by Nika's very loud and ear piercing screams.

"Onika! Stop! You need to quit! Stop it Onika!" Beyoncé had tried to grab Nika but that just caused her to throw herself on the floor now flaring her arms, kicking her feet, along with the screaming.

"Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!" Nika started to yell as Beyoncé tried to pick her up.

"Ma'am is everything alright over here?" One of the security guards had walked over hearing the commotion.

"Yes! Yes it is! I'm sorry, my little one is being a total brat. Onika! Get off the floor right now!" Beyoncé answered the guard frantically and very embarrassed before turning back to Onika.

"Hey Little One, do you know this lady?" The guard asked Nika hearing that she was screaming stranger danger.

Nika shook her head no, "Onika!" Beyoncé gritted through her teeth.

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