Bunch O' Babies

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Beyoncé POV:

"Hey Kells!" I said as Kelly answered the phone.

"Hey Bey, what you been- Mani! Mani back away from the tv like that. You'll go blind if you stay that close. Thank you." I heard Kelly reprimand her Little, Normani.

I chuckled knowing how it is by having similar conversations with Nika, "How's Normani?"

"Oh girl she's fine, bad as ever, but doing alright. What about Baby Nika?"

"I could honestly say the same thing, doing alright but bad as ever." I shook my head although she couldn't see me.

"I was calling you because- oh wait Rih is calling back, you know that girl don't never answer the first time you call. Hold on I'll put us on a 3 way call." I told Kelly as I clicked over to Rihanna's call.

I was immediately greeted with her not even talking to me, "Coi go ask ya fatha please, Mami is on the phone- Hello what the hell did you call two times for and what the hell do you want?"

"Shut up, I'm on the other line with Kelly I'm about to click you in." I said as I merged the two calls together.

"Yellow?" I called out hoping that the calls merged correctly.

"Girl what is it 2005? Don't ever answer the phone like that again." I heard Rihanna complain.

"Right, bringing up old memories I do not need to have okay?" Kelly joined in.

"Both of y'all be quiet. I was really calling for Mani and CiCi. Solange and Lauren are coming down from New Orleans today, so I wanted to have a water day for all of the Babies. Water balloons and a jumper, some stuff like that." I quickly explained before they could interrupt me again.

"Oh well that sounds fun, at least that means I won't have to entertain Mani." Kelly shrugged off.

"Yeah and Coi was just irritating me with all of the energy she has." Rihanna complained.

"Okay good, Jay and Nika went out to buy stuff from the grocery store but I'm sure Nika made him stop at the toy store and is currently making him buy the entire store." I chuckled to myself already visualizing the scene.

"I might just bring myself a bathing suit to get in the pool." Rihanna stated, I'm sure she was picking out in her mind what she was going to wear.

"You can, I might get in while the babies are in the bouncy house. You know that they're gonna be splashing up a storm." I told her, I would rather not get my hair all wet up when I know that I'm already gonna have to deal with Nika's.

"What time are y'all planning on starting BeyBey?" Kelly asked seeing now that it was nearing 11am.

"Oh about 1, Solo and Boogie are coming around that time and so is the bounce house. Jay is gonna start grilling as soon as he gets here though."

"Oh okay, I guess I should start getting this brat ready." Kelly stated talking about how difficult it would be to get Normani ready in the short amount of time.

"Yeah CoiCoi would love to hear that she's going somewhere, the trouble would be getting Chris's ass to get up especially in this weather." I could almost hear the eyeroll Rihanna gave.

"Well y'all go figure it out, imma start prepping whatever I can right now. I just wanted to give y'all the call." With that being said we all said our goodbyes and I went in the kitchen and sat out whatever utensils or seasonings we were gonna need.

I heard Jay's car pull up in the driveway and I went to the door and put on my slippers to help them with the groceries.

I walked out hearing Nika first and then seeing her, "I'm gonna kill these suckas!"

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