Different Schedule

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Beyoncé POV:

I just walked downstairs and although I don't drink it a lot, I was feeling like coffee before I started making breakfast for Baby and I.

I saw Kelly calling me and instantly answered and putting the phone on speaker, "Hey Kelly!"

"Hey Bey." I heard Kelly answer back but her voice was very raspy.

"Are you okay Kells? Why does your voice sound like that?" I asked in confusion.

"Like 2 days ago Normani got sick from whatever, with me trying to aid her back to health I woke up at 3am this morning feeling absolutely horrible. I've been throwing up and feeling really fatigue, going in and out of my sleep. That's why I was calling Bey, are you busy right now?" Kelly explained and I could hear her straining her voice, I know it was probably painful for her.

"Never too busy for you, why what's up?" I asked while starting to make my coffee.

"I was wondering if you could pick me up some green tea along with lemons from the store. And Normani's prescription from the pharmacy they open at 9, they said it would be ready today. I honestly don't want to feel like I'm working you or anything but I'm just feeling really fatigue. Having to deal with a sick Normani is one thing but taking a sick Normani places is a totally different ball game." Kelly sounded really tired and even coughed as she was asking everything for me.

"Of course Kelly, you know I got you. I'm gonna finish making my coffee and I'll be right there." I assured her.

"Thank you BeyBey." Kelly said using the nickname she made for me when we were younger.

"Of course Kells, bye bye." I hung up the phone and let my coffee start.

I had two options on how my morning could go. I could take Nika with me but then I would risk her being sick and she gets sick very easily. But if I don't take her with me, her whole schedule is going to be crazy today since we usually are always together in the morning. I made up my mind and I was not sure how today was going to go.

I went upstairs and walked into my shared bedroom with Jay as I saw him getting starting to get ready to go to work.

"Hey baby, I need you to take Nika with you to work. Kelly just called and she sounds so sick and so is Normani so I have to run a couple or errands for them. I would take Nika with me but I really don't want to risk her getting sick at all." I explained to Jay as I helped him button up his shirt.

"Yeah I'll take her. Is she up yet or should I go get her ready?"

"If you could go get her ready that would be amazing. I kinda don't want her to see me because she might make a fuss when I have to leave. So I'm about to leave as soon as possible."

"Did you pump babe? Aren't your breasts gonna be hurting while you're gone?" Jay was obviously concerned for me and that's one of the reasons I love him so much, he's so considerate.

"I'll be gone for about 2 hours at the most, I'll be fine and so will Babygirl." I explained as I was putting on my shoes, I had already changed into some leggings and a shirt when I first woke up.

"Okay I'll go get Baby then." Jay said as he walked out of the room, but not before giving me a kiss on my lips.

Jay POV:

I lightly shook Nika awake, she doesn't like to be woken up so usually me and Bey let her wake up on her own accord.

"Wake up lovebug, it's time to start your day." Nika light stirred in her bed.

"Mama?" I heard her mumble as she started to blink her eyes open.

"Do I look like Mama to you?" I asked as I saw her eyes were now fully open, I heard the door downstairs close but I don't think Nika noticed it.

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