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*Contains Big Nika*

"Hey, baby" Nika walked behind Beyoncé caressing her waist as Beyoncé was standing in the kitchen.

"Hey babe" Beyoncé smiled feeling Nika behind her, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, baby now that you said something I really am. That's why I came down here." Nika started to feel on Beyoncé's ass.

"Oh, and why is that?" Beyoncé asked seeming clueless.

"To get my meal." Beyoncé heard clicking sounds and felt something wrap around her wrist.

"Get upstairs." Nika slapped Beyoncé's ass and Beyoncé shook hearing the dominance Nika spoke with.

"Quickly." Nika slapped Beyoncé's ass again making her start going to the bedroom.

Beyoncé ran up the stairs extremely excited for what was to come, especially after she saw a handcuff placed on her left wrist.

As soon as she was in the room, Beyoncé started to get undressed. By the time Nika walked in Beyoncé only had on panties and hurriedly slipped them off when she noticed Nika.

"Good girl lay on the bed." Nika ordered making Beyoncé feel really submissive.

"Yes baby." Beyoncé laid on the bed as Nika walked close.

"That's Mistress to you. Do you understand?" Nika handcuffed Beyoncé's hand to the bed.

"Yes, Mistress please!" Beyoncé huffed out impatiently waiting to be pleasured.

"Patience is a virtue, my love." Nika placed a gentle kiss on Bey's lips.

Nika started to kiss Beyoncé's neck stretching her arm out to caress and squeeze Beyoncé's thigh. Beyoncé tried using her hand that wasn't handcuffed to touch Nika but that made Nika pull away from her neck, "Don't touch me, let me use you in any way that I please."

"Yes Mistress!" Beyoncé said to show obedience while removing her hand.

Nika's lips reattached to Beyoncé's body this time sucking on her nipple and using her hand to fondle her other breast. Beyoncé's moans were very vocal as her lower half started to squirm wanting friction.

"Mistress please!" Beyoncé exasperated bucking and raising her hips.

"Hmm?" Nika hummed against her nipple making Beyoncé moan loudly and her eyes squeezed shut.

"Please what baby?" Nika asked lifting off her nipple and lightly biting down on it before giving her right nipple the same treatment.

"I want you to please me! Please Mistress!" Beyoncé started to take heavy breaths finding it hard to ask for what she wanted.

"Am I not doing that already? You're sounding ungrateful. Maybe I should stop?" Nika teased Beyoncé pulling away all touch from her.

"No Mistress please! Please I need you so much right now!" Beyoncé begged, closing her thighs to stop the now-painful aching she had going on between them.

"Aht aht. Keep them open, I want to see." Nika told Beyoncé as she peeled open her legs.

Nika walked around the bed to stand right in front of Beyoncé's open legs. She bent down and blew on Beyoncé's wetness making her cry out. She took her thumb and inserted it inside Beyoncé, curving it to see how Beyoncé was silent but her mouth was agape. Truly taking her breath away from her. Nika removed her finger bringing it into her mouth licking it clean.

"Keep it on your face at all times, don't make me have to punish you." Nika said as she handed Beyoncé her phone that was already recording.

Nika was planning on sending the video to Jay since he would be at work later than usual. And hopefully, he would want to make a movie of their own once he got home.

"Yes Mistress!" Beyoncé's hips bucked once more but held the phone on her hips keeping it angled at her face.

"Good girl." Nika held onto and squeezed Beyoncé's thighs lowering herself down and opening them wide.

Nika quickly dived into Beyoncé licking up all of her arousals. Her tongue elongated from the end of her vulva to her clit, then sucked making Beyoncé's moans grow loud.

Beyoncé's sex faces caused creases to appear between her eyebrows as her top lip lifted as well as her nose. The pleasure of it all made Beyoncé lift off the bed and squirm, "Don't move away from me!" Nika hit Beyoncé's thighs keeping her still.

She knew that Nika expected an answer but she honestly couldn't give her one. Beyoncé groaned out in frustration she didn't want to be teased nor told to hold onto her orgasm. She wanted to be purely pleasured in all aspects.

Nika shoved her tongue in as far it could go, skillfully moving her tongue around Beyoncé's folds. Beyoncé wanted to touch Nika but the task of holding the camera and her other hand being handcuffed made her huff out of frustration.

"You're not patient my petal, I'll give you what you want as long as you ask for it." Nika told Beyoncé, lifting up with her juices on her face. Beyoncé knew exactly what Nika was referring to.

Nika started to eat out Beyoncé like it was her last meal. Beyoncé felt coldness in her feet and it came up running all through her body. There was an un-tie-able knot in her stomach that started to grow larger as Nika sucked, licked, and swiveled in Beyoncé's folds. Beyoncé's thighs started to shake and her moans were almost classified as a scream.

"Mi- Mistress! C- can I cum!" Beyoncé asked but didn't receive an answer.

"Please! Please Mistress Please!" Beyoncé begged extremely desperate.

Nika gave one more long lick and raised her hand to start rubbing her clit, "You know I love it when you beg for me baby."

"Cum." Nika spoke and bent back down to lick up all of her juices making Beyoncé squirm.

Nika started to travel up Beyoncé's body taking the phone out of her hand and pointing it at their two faces. Beyoncé was breathing heavily until Nika's mouth connected to hers.

Nika stuck her tongue in Beyoncé's mouth causing Beyoncé to suck on it. Nika pulled away giggling, "Tell Daddy how much we miss him." Nika sat up on Beyoncé's stomach and used her hand to turn Beyoncé's face to the camera.

"We miss you Daddy." Beyoncé breathed out.

Nika turned the camera to herself angling it to fit her breasts and the bottom half of her face, "We can't wait until you come home." And with that being said she ended the video.


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