Potty Mouths

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No One POV:

"Nika I told you about cleaning up after yourself. If you don't start picking up, you're not gonna have TV or IPad time. I'm serious." Beyoncé told Nika after she found Nika's toys on the kitchen floor.

"I don't give a fuck." Nika spoke to Beyoncé.

"Excuse me? Imma give you a chance to repeat what you said." Beyoncé placed her hand on her hip.

"You heard me. I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about!" Nika stood her ground.

"Well Onika, I don't give a fuck, Carter. You better stay with that same attitude up in your room once your daddy goes up there and whoops your ass! Go!" Beyoncé pointed upstairs where Nika stomped off and slammed her door.

"I'm actually gonna kill her." Beyoncé angrily spoke out as she was pacing back and forth.

Beyoncé counted to twenty to calm down but as soon as she started going up the stairs she got riled up again.

She opened Jay's office and started talking not even giving him a chance to register what was happening, "You need to go straighten Onika out! I don't know what demon seed has possessed her but all I know is that if she ever talks to me like that again, I'm definitely going to strangle her with my own two hands! Who does she think she is? Huh?! To curse at me and then bluntly disrespect me all up and down my face! I oughta go up in there and beat her tail right now! You know what that's exactly what I'm about to-"

"Beyoncé! Calm down babe, I don't even know what you're talking about." Jay asked holding her arm to help her stay in one place and hopefully calm down some from all the yelling she was doing.

"I'm talking about Onika growing some disrespectful balls downstairs! And telling me she doesn't give a fuck about what I'm talking about! In those exact words!" Beyoncé expressed angrily.

"She said that?!" Jay nearly jumped out of my seat, that wasn't like Nika at all.

"Yes! And you need to straighten her out because I don't know who she thinks she's talking to and if she does that again-"

"Okay calm down baby, I got it. I'm about to go handle it right now."

Jay got up and walked out of the office, leaving Beyoncé to destress however she plans. Jay took a sigh before walking into his closet and grabbing a belt and walking into Nika's room.

He walked in seeing Nika laying on her bed playing on her iPad as if she didn't cause havoc less than 10 mins ago.

"Nika, get off that iPad." Jay spoke in a stern voice.

Nika gave a deep breath along with an eye roll, tossing her iPad to the side and sitting up then crossing her arms.

"What was it that you said downstairs?" Jay said pointing with the belt.

"I know she already told you, I don't know why you're doing the extras for." Nika rolled her eyes. Jay could tell from her vocabulary and actions she was in between headspaces, she wasn't 100% in either little or grown headspace.

"Get up and take off those leggings and underwear. Now little girl." Jay put emphasis on the little girl to try to force Nika back into that headspace so she could be punished accordingly.

Although she seemed very disobedient and disrespectful, Nika had followed every direction Jay gave her as soon as he said them.

Nika was soon standing with her leggings and panties pooling at her ankles, still trying to keep up with a mad face and attitude.

Jay grabbed her arm and swiftly turned her around. He allowed the belt to hit down on her ass, out of reflex Nika flinched but tried not to make a sound.

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