Uh Oh

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"Fuck man! Where the defense at?!" Jay yelled as he was playing 2k in his 'man cave' in the basement.

"Frick!" Nika mocked Jay falling back on the couch giggling.

Did I forget to mention Nika was in here too? She didn't want to be bored playing by herself while Beyoncé was out running errands, so she decided that watching Jay would cure her boredom.

Jay heard Nika repeat after him but decided to ignore her in hopes she'd stop.

"Shit!" Jay swore again after he made a mistake in the game.

"Shift!" Nika blurted out, Jay would've thought she said the word if he wasn't listening correctly.

He reached back and gave Nika a warning pop on her thigh, "You better watch your mouth."

"Dada I didn't say no bad words!" Nika giggled rubbing the part of her thigh Jay hit.

"Shift! Shoot! Dang! Dang! Dang!" Nika started to chant out laughing.

"Nika, I'm not playing." Jay warned once again.

"You are playing Dada! You play the game!" Nika replied smartly.

"Keep on doing what you're doing Nika, you're gonna get in trouble." Jay warned for the last time.

"Oh fffff- frick!" Nika giggled, "Ohhh ffffff- fun!" Nika started laughing hysterically seeing how much she was getting on her Daddy's nerves.

"Ohhhhh fff-fuck!" Nika was laughing until she realized what she said. She paused and decided to be quiet hoping Jay didn't hear her.

"Why are you quiet now? Curse again so I have another reason to spank your ass." Jay paused his game and turned to face Nika as she cowered from his stares.

"Dada I no mean to. I sorry." Nika apologized softly.

"Go get about five pieces of paper and a pencil, you're writing lines."

"Noooo Daddy!" Nika whined, she hated to do lines.

"Would you like to do them while sitting on a sore ass?" Jay asked rhetorically making Nika huff and walk out of the room.

Nika walked back into the room with the pieces of paper and a pencil and sat back on the couch behind Jay. She felt like if he didn't notice her, then she wouldn't get punished.

"Give it here." Jay turned in the chair sideways and held out his hand to Nika making her hand him the papers and pencil.

Jay wrote on the heading of the paper the sentence he wanted Nika to copy, "You know what I expect. Only legible writing and don't try to write big. Go to the dining table, by the time I come out there you should at least be done with the front of the first page."

Jay handed Nika the papers and her pencil. She gave a pout and left out the room without saying anything. Nika really wanted to cry because her Daddy decided to punish her with lines knowing she hates them. He hates me, Nika complained dramatically in her head.

Nika sat at the table with a deep sigh and finally looked at the sentence that Jay wrote out for her, "I will not curse or try to have a smart mouth with my Daddy again."

It was sooo long! Nika didn't want to do them but knew that her Daddy would actually spank her if she didn't.

Nika sat there for 30 minutes and finished a page and a half of the lines but her Daddy hasn't checked on her yet.

She heard the front door open and was extremely happy when she realized it was her Mommy.

Nika jumped out of her seat but not without first covering her papers with her binder. If her Mommy knew she was in trouble then she would reinforce it.

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