Chapter 4- Bakugo

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I skated through the last of my classes not paying attention, stuck in my head.

Deku was hard. I had made him that way. I made him shutter and writhe against me like I was anchoring him to the earth. He tried to hide it, I could feel him push his hips away from me.

And realizing all this didn't help me understand the multiple feelings I had whirling in my chest.


The bell rang, we all stood and gathered our things to head home. I could feel Deku watching me. I willed my face to stay neutral, not show him anything.

I walked down the steps of the school feeling him following me. Like he always had. I took the long way home, we lived close to one another but this was still out of his way.

I walked up my front steps and waited. He slowly walked past the gate and waited, leaning against my mailbox.

"Kacchan... Why?" he questioned looking up at the clouds floating by

"Because I could. Not like you'd stop me. So why not." I said with a shrug. I turned to unlock my front door

"I- you can't just do that." he said under his breath

"I can. And I'll do it again." I said turning to look at him over my shoulder

He stood there, kicking the edge of the sidewalk with the tip of his shoe.

"Come in." I demanded coldly

"N-no." he breathed into the air

"No?" I questioned him, getting angry

"Yes. I said no." he said meeting my eyes and stomping his foot like a little kid

"Deku. Come in!" I challenge

The breeze picked up and swept through his shaggy hair. I arched an eyebrow at him. Willing him to defy me. He glanced down the road towards his place, seconds ticked by before he gave up with a huff and inched up the walk towards me.

I pushed the door open for him and swept my arm in the house, beckoning him into the dark foyer.

He walked past me and glanced up at my eyes as he stepped inside. I had him just where I wanted him. I walked in after him and closed the door, shutting us in the dark. I turned and slung my bag and jacket against the stairs like I did everyday. I slowly turned the other way and took off my shoes.

I could feel him quivering next to me in the dark. I stepped towards him, his breathing quickened and came in sharp gasps. I looked down at his face. His soft features shrouded in darkness. I searched his eyes, they frantically searched my face. He looked ready to say something. I didn't care what he had to say.

"Ka.." I cut him off as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the back of my front door.

He held his breath as I laid my body on his. He looked in my eyes and then slowly down to my lips.

"Eyes up here fucker." I said as I tipped his head back up with the tip of my finger under his chin

"Now what can't I do to you?" I questioned

"You-You can't." he started

"You can't just kiss my neck?" he questioned, I loved how naive he was

"Is that what I did? I kissed your neck?" I asked sliding my hand into his hair

"I think? I don't know. But you can't just kiss or whatever peoples necks." he huffed out, his face heating

"I don't. I don't go around kissing people's necks." I said tugging on his hair, he sucked in a sharp breath

"I kissed and sucked on your neck. Only yours." I whispered as I leaned against the other side of his neck

"Wh-Why?" he repeated

"I told you. Because. I. Can." I said enunciate every word as I tugged on his hair

He sucked in a breath through his nose as his hips scooted forward again.

"You can't. Especially if it's not welcomed." he whispered trying to look away from me

"I said eyes up here." I announced as I tugged his hair so he couldn't tip his head down

His eyes snapped back up, swimming with something. I couldn't pick out the emotion.

"Was it not welcomed, Deku?" I asked, pushing my knee between his legs

"You didn't like it? It didn't.... I don't know. Make you hard?" I questioned pushing my knee up higher towards his growing dick

"No. It was unexpected. And no... it didn't make me hard." he started and whispered the last few words

"I'm sorry what? I didn't catch the end of that." I said as I dipped my head back against his collar bone

"I-" he swallowed

"I said, no it didn't make me hard." he whispered as I kissed his collar bone exactly symmetrical from the spot I kissed and sucked earlier

He took another deep breath, pushing back away from me. I took a few breaths, blowing it against his neck. Goosebumps erupted down his chest.

"Deku... lyings not nice you know." I breathed against his neck

"I wasn't ly" he started as I bit down on his collar bone. I let up and sucked his skin in my mouth licking as I went. This hickey was going to be bigger than the other.

He gulped and moaned into the air. The only sound filling my house. I nibbled and licked as he moaned in my ear.

"You want to try that again?" I asked licking the sensitive spot I just bruised

He breathed and closed his eyes as he rested his head against the door.

"Eheh" he cleared his throat

"It didn't make me hard." he said with conviction as he met my gaze

"Mhmhm, I think it did." I said as a slid my hand from his hair down his torso, lower to his pulsing cock

"You were hard then and you're hard now Deku. So don't try and lie to me." I said as I palmed him. I slowly slid my hand up and down his heat

He opened and closed his mouth a few times. I searched his eyes.

After a minute and he didn't say anything I licked over his collar bones, staking claim.

"Go home Deku." I said as I slid off his body and walked up the first few stairs leading to my room

"And remember, don't lie to me." I said as I turned and walked up into my room

I sat on my bed in the dark listening to his frantic breathing slow down. After another minute I heard the door creak open and then shut.

I groaned into the air. He wasn't the only one who was hard. Earlier or now. God what was happening to me. Why did I let him affect me like this? I pushed these feelings away... I couldn't let him distract me from my dream. 

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