Chapter 11- Izuku

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Izuku- Thursday 

"Me either. Could you do that Bakugo? Not only to your soulmate but to yourself?" Kirishima asked looking depressed

"I don't know." Kacchan answered looking at the floor

"I guess it depends on who my soulmate is. Will they help me achieve my goal of being the next number one? Or are they going to hold me back? I don't know if I'll reject them. I just don't know." he whispered, all of us looking at him

No body said anything. Kacchan had never been so open and honest like this before. The bell rang before anyone could comment, we all jumped at the sudden intrusion.

"See you guys later." Aizawa said sounding woeful as he slunk out of his sleeping back and drapted it over his desk. He walked away without another word or second glance.

Kacchan was the first to move and pack up his stuff. We watched him walk out of the room. His face paling, I could hear his erratic breathing as he rounded the corner. Something was wrong.

I threw my stuff in my bag not caring if anything got crushed as I rushed after Kacchan.

I exited the room and rushed down the hall. I looked every which way and didn't see him anywhere. I turned in a circle trying to guess where he went. The day I asked him if we could hang out and play video games popped in my head and I rushed towards the bathroom down the hall.

I gently pushed the swinging door open to see Kacchan leaning against the sink while holding his chest.

Something was definitely wrong. He eyes were frantically searching my face, his hand tightened over his heart.

"Kacchan." I said into the eerie quiet room, he didn't answer me. After a beat he staggered backwards

"Kacchan?" I asked as I stepped towards him, still nothing

"Kacchan what's wrong? What's happening?" I asked as he continued to step backwards

"Do you need help?" I asked as I heard him take a gasping breath and then nothing

His eyes became dim and lifeless as he tilted back. His hand on his chest grasping at his throat.

"Kacchan!" I yelled as I raced forward and caught him before he smashed to the tile floor

I took off my shirt, bunched it up under his head before bending down and listening to his heart.


I put a finger under his nose to feel for his breathing.


"Kacchan. Kacchan wake up!" I yelled as I started CPR

"Wake up! Wake up!" I cried into the bathroom, my horse erratic voice echoing back at me

I gave him mouth to mouth twice before I clawed my phone out of my pocket and called Aizawa.

I went back to CPR and counted as a river of tears spilled down my face.

Everything blurred into grey blobs around me. My mind swam with glimpses of Kacchan.

His vibrant eyes. Their mischievous glint.

His spiky soft hair.

His big strong hands.

His soft smiles.

His dimples.

His laugh.

His moans.

His lips on mine.

But the most crushing was his eyes frantically looking at me, calling out to me, pleading for me to help him.

I yelled in agony into the nothingness of the bathroom when the door swung open with a swift crack against the back wall.

Aizawa, All Might and Recovery Girl rushed into the room.

"I don't know what happened. I swear I don't know what happened. He's not breathing. His hearts not beating." I cried as they crowded around us

"Shhh Shhh. It's okay Midoryia." Aizawa cooed as he wrapped his arms around me, gently pulling me away from Kacchan's lifeless body.

I watched as All Might picked Kacchan up and put him on a hospital gurney as two robots pushed it out of the bathroom with Recovery girl hot on their heals.

"Shhh." Aizawa whispered in my ear while rubbing my back as I clutched his shoulders and let my heart break in his hands.


They took Kacchan to the hospital after Recovery Girl got his heart beating again.

She said it was a panic attack, his body just couldn't handle the trauma and gave out. She told me many times that it was lucky I found him when I did or he mostly likely would've died.

His heart had stopped for three minutes. Not long enough to cause any brain damage but we wouldn't know till he woke up.

I call his mom after Aizawa got me to calm down and stop crying on the bathroom floor. She was so distraught but thankful I was there. I couldn't look at her when she arrived at the hospital. Every worse case of senerio jumbled in my mind. I was so afraid that we could've lost him if i hadn't gotten there when I did.

I sat in a old chair in the hall outside his hospital room clutching the shirt I put under his head into my face. It smelled like him and his shampoo. Cherry blossoms and cedar. It was the only thing grounding me, the only thing that kept the tears at bay.

Our classmates heard about what happened at the end of the school day. They all had stopped by in small groups to check on Kacchan. They all tried to talk to me.

I couldn't form words. Nothing would come out of my mouth. Every time I tried to talk my throat would constrict and the tears would erroad my vision. I couldn't say anything.

My first words had to be to him. Kacchan had to be the first one I talked to. And I couldn't talk to him till he woke up.

It was 3AM, 12 hours since Kacchan's heart stopped beating in my arms when Mitsuki Bukugo sat next to me and handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Hey." she whispered as she blew on her own cup

"He's going to wake up. I know it." she said looking up at me

I looked into her eyes and shook my head yes.

"Look, I know he's a brat and hasn't always been the nicest to you. But I know he appreciates your friendship. You are the longest friend he's ever had. He just sucks at showing it. I used to be that way too. I didn't know how to express my emotions the 'right' way, without all the aggression when I met Masaru. He taught me how to show my feelings in a positive way. It took a while. Too long if I'm being honest and Katsuki is exactly how I was before I met his dad. He will grow out of it. He just has to meet the right person. I hope his soulmate can show him how to love. So thank you Izuku for always being a good friend to my son. And for saving him. You're my hero." She finished with soft kiss on my cheek

"You should go home. Get some sleep. You have the big ceremony later tonight. I promise to call if anything changes." she said standing looking down at me

I shook my head no. I couldn't leave. I wouldn't leave. Not until Kacchan told me to go away.

"Okay. But try and get some shut eye." she said with a sad smile

I set my hot chocolate on the end table next to our chairs. I balled the shirt up tighter in my hands as I brought my knees up to my chest. I inhaled Kacchan's scent and closed my eyes.

I dreamt of Kacchan yelling at me. Calling me a nerd and looser.

I dreamt of him moaning my name over and over again.

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