Chapter 13- Izuku

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Izuku- Friday 

I took one more look in the bathroom mirror, my hair was as crazy as ever. After seeing Kacchan alive and breathing I came home and forced myself to eat and get some sleep before the New Years party. I looked a little better, my cheeks weren't as hollow, the dark moons under my eyes were lighter and I wasn't as gray. It was a start. I felt so out of it in my seafoam green suit, and copper brown loafers that pulled the look altogether. My mom found it a few months back and told me it was perfect and I didn't want to disappoint her. So I told her I'd wear it. I don't hate it, and it fits perfectly. I just never pictured myself in green suit is all.

(I found this picture on  google and instantly fell in love with it

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(I found this picture on  google and instantly fell in love with it. He's so cute!) 

I paced the bathroom going over my plan again. I wanted to show up kinda late, spend and hour or two with the class, get my mark at midnight, find out who my soulmate is and either except them or wait for them to reject me and then I'd go home. Done deal. Then I'd have all weekend to break down and crumble even more before Monday and then pretend like everything was fine till I graduated. Then I'd leave. I didn't know where I was heading yet. But it'd be far from here.

I looked at my phone and saw the time. 845. Time to put on a fake smile and maybe try to have fun one last night before my life changed forever.


I walked up the school stairs and headed towards the music I could hear blaring from the gym. I entered the room and looked around at the decor. Colorful streamers hung from the ceiling, little pieces of confetti danced in the air raining down on us. Tables in the shape of a giant U covered the back three walls, each table covered in food, drinks and desserts. 

A few classmates waved at me as I walked over to the punch bowl, I waved back before grabbing a cup. Once my cup was half full I walked to the back corner in between tables and tried to blend into the dark shadows.

Uraraka and Ida eventually found me in my hiding spot and tried to get me on the dance floor. I politely declined. I told them I'd watch and chat with our other classmates. That seemed to work, I think they were just happy I was trying.

I got up from the table to fill my glass again, when I walked back to the table I saw Kacchan had arrived.

"Glad you could make it man!" Kirishima said happily clapping a hand on Kacchan's shoulder

"Yeah me too." kacchan said smiling back at him

My steps faltered for a minute before I decided to sit on the other side of the table and watch Ida and Uraraka dance. I could feel Kacchan watching me. I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

He didn't get to say anything back earlier after my confession and I was so scared what he'd say back. So ignoring him was the only option I had left.

"Let's go get food." Kaminari said nudging towards the food tables

"Yeah sure." Kirishima commented as he stood

"Deku, you coming?" Kacchan asked me, I had no choice but to look at him now

"No, I'm okay. I ate a bit before I came. Thanks though." I said looking anywhere but at his face

"Okay." he said sounding sad, he turned and followed our classmates to the tables on the other side of the dance floor

I watched them as they walked. Kacchan wore a blood red suit jacket and pants with a dark maroon under shirt. The top buttons of his under shirt were undone. The top of his muscular pecs on display. I couldn't help but drool over him. A silver watch gleamed on his wrist. He looked so put together. So handsome. So close and yet so out of reach.

(I also found this picture on google and knew this is what I wanted Bakugo to wear

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(I also found this picture on google and knew this is what I wanted Bakugo to wear. Blood red & burgundy just fit him so perfectly!) 

I closed my eyes and willed my heart to stop fluttering in my chest. I glanced down at my phone on the table noting the time. 1130. 30 more minutes and then I'd be free to leave. I could do it. 30 more minutes.

I closed my eyes again and tried taking a few deep breathes.

"Are you okay?" Kacchan asked me, he sounded just as concerned now as he did earlier in the hospital when he asked me that. I had said no earlier, I couldn't say no twice.

"Yeah. I just need some air." I said as I stormed pass him out the gym doors

I raced through the halls and up six flights of stairs before I pushed through the roof door, slamming it shut behind me. My lungs filled with the cold, icy night air. I welcomed the frozen burn as I took deep breath after deep breath.

I walked to the edge of the roof and sat on the foot wide ledge, feet dangling over the edge. I looked out at the city, dazzling sky scrapers, car lights zooming through the streets, and the sounds of police sirens filled the air.

"You're not going to jump right?" Kacchan asked from behind me

"Haha no. I've thought about it before. A few years ago. But not today." I said as I shrugged

"What's up?" I asked over my shoulder, not looking at him

"I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay.." he whispered

He walked up to the edge and sat next to me.

"I didn't get a chance to respond to you earlier. In the hospital." he said looking down at the sidewalk below us

"It's fine. You don't have to say anything. I didn't expect you to say anything." I replied

"Come on, lets go. It's almost midnight." I said as I turned and put my feet back on the roof.

"Are you scared?" He asked so quiet I almost missed it

"Yes." I answered honestly

"Are you?" I asked back

"Yes. I'm not good with my feelings. I don't know how to express my self besides being angry and yelling. I care, I do. I just don't know any other way to show it." he said sounding defeated

"You're mom said the same thing earlier. She told me until she met your dad she was like that too. She said she hoped your soulmate would help you. I know your soulmate will be perfect for you and show you all the love languages." I confessed as I helped him turn around and stand

"I hope she's right." he said as we walked towards the roof door

"I know she is." I said with conviction 

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