Chapter 16- Bakugo

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Bakugo- Friday 11:55PM

Deku and I walked back in the gym. Everyone was sitting or standing around the tables with their class. We walked back to the table we ate at and stood next to our class.

"Made it back just in time!" Kaminiari beamed at us as we walked up

"I told you we would be back before midnight." I said crossing my arms faking annoyance

I looked up at the giant countdown clock shining on the back wall. Five minutes left. Five minutes and my secret wish would come true or I'd have to break mine and someone else's heart. Nerves whirled and churned in my stomach making me feel a bit nauseous.

We stood there everyone mumbling about how nervous they were. I glanced at the countdown clock again. A minute left. I could wait and not freak out for one minute couldn't I?

I looked at the girls sitting at our table their hands clasped together, eyes closed wishing with all their might. I can admit they looked adorable. I hoped all their wishes came true.

When I looked back up Deku was gone. I looked up at the clock. 20 seconds. Where did he go? I glanced around the room before I saw him heading back our way with his cup in hand.

Everyone started counting down as I watched him walk back over.


















0!!!" Everyone screamed and looked down at their wrists

I watched a few of the girls turn and jump into their soulmates arms. No one looked disappointed. Good, their wishes came true.

I felt the tingle and spark from my wrist radiate through my whole body. It felt electric as it licked at every atom in my being. The power buzzing through me.

I rolled up my sleeve and closed my eyes before turning my wrist over. I could look. I would survive this. I could do it. Heroes survive. And I'm going to be a hero.

I opened my eyes and looked down.

Teal electric static whirled like wind around a seafoam green bunny with bright cheery red 'IM' letters on the belly.

Air got stuck in my lungs... my wish. My wish came true. I had to tell him. He told me the truth yesterday and now it was my turn.

I looked up and saw Deku looking down at his wrist, his face full of happiness. He looked up and met my eyes. Something shifted, he shifted from happy to panicked?

I ignored everyone at the table asking to see my mark. I had something to do first.

I walked towards Deku. He took a faultering step back, he looked ready to run. I shook my head at him. I willed him to stay in place.

The noise in the room faded away with every step towards my soulmate. I could feel our classmates eyes on my back.

I stood toe to toe with Deku.

"Kacc" he started, but I didn't give a damn what he had to say at the moment. It was my turn.

I reached up and put my hands on the side of his face, caressing his jaw with my thumbs as I looked down at him. He looked up at me, his eyes searching mine. 

He looked so scare. So frightened. And it was all my fault he felt this way. I did this to him. I had made him feel so useless, so unwanted, unloveable. And it was all a lie. It couldn't have been farther from the truth. I would spend everyday, for the rest of my life showing him my true feelings.

Starting now.

I looked at him and smiled before I pulled him to me and picked him up. His arms wrapped around my neck as his legs wrapped around my waist. I had waited forever to feel him like this, to have him like this.

I pull his face to mine with his hair and kissed him.

I kissed him with everything I had. Every raw emotion, every thought shoving it's way through the kiss. I wanted him to feel everything, every ounce of love and commitment I wanted to give to him and only him.

We made out what felt like days and seconds all in one go. When it felt like he was going to suck my lungs out of my body I broke the kiss for some air. I looked up at him as he hovered over me in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked breathless as he rested his forehead against mine

"Dizzy and breathless. But yes I'm okay. Are you? Are you sure?" He asked with a smile on his face, a real smile. Not the fake ones I've seen mare his beautiful face tonight.

"I'm perfect. Breathless, happy and completely in love. If that's okay with you." I said baring my heart to him

He looked down at me shocked. Pupils dilating.

"I didn't get to say anything back to you in the hospital. I didn't know how to say it. But I'm going to try. I'm bi. I knew since the first time we went swimming on my 5th birthday, you were so cute in your All Might swim trunks and I couldn't look away from you. I love you. I always have. You've always been the happy, sunny spot in my life. You wore your heart on your sleeve. Always showing kindness and love to everyone. I was jealous you could feel things so freely. That you could be so free, that you could be yourself. I saw everyone fawn over you, you weren't just mine anymore. So I wanted to push you away, even though all I wanted was for you to be by my side forever. But I promise starting today, since my wish came true I'm done feeling that way. I'm done being jealous. I'm done holding myself back. I want to be with you, if you'll have me." I said giving him an eskimo kiss

"You said my soulmate would be perfect for me. And you were right. I know you are perfect for me. I know you are going to make me a better person. You'll lift me up, hold me when I cry, help me navigate these crazy emotions and help me find my love language. I know that we will help each other be the best heroes in the world. I know we can do it. So what do you say Izuku? I love you, what do you say?" I asked as tears welled in my eyes

"I say.... I love you too." and then he leaned down and kissed me 


And that's it!! I know it's kinda short, sweet and to the point. I might add more to this later. But for right now I think this is the perfect ending. 

Please consider leaving a vote and a comment telling me what you thought! Was there anything you'd change? If I add more to this story later what would you like to see? 

I really enjoyed writing this, it was something new. I've never written a fanfic or a boyXboy story before. I tried my best. 

If you liked this story please consider reading my other work. I appreciate you! <3<3 

Until next time xx 

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