Chapter 8- Bakugo

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Bakugo- Tuesday after school

I waited for Deku at the school gate. My nerves and excitement vibrating in my chest as he walked up to me with Ida and Uraraka in tow.

"Hey Bakugo. Ida and I wanted to know if you and Deku wanted to try the new cafe that's a couple blocks over?" Uraraka asked

"Could be fun." Ida added

"We'd love to. But I promised to play this new game Kacchan got." Deku said with a smile

"We will see you guys later." he added as he turned down the sidewalk

"See ya." Ida and Uraraka said sadly behind us

We walked towards my house in silence. My hands shaking with the anticipation of touching him in my pockets.

"You could have gone with if you wanted to." I said with a huff looking at the ground

"Nah. I asked you to hang out today. So that's what I'm doing." Deku said as we walked past my front gate

We walked into my house like yesterday only this time I didn't attack him at my front door. I wanted to build the anticipation. To see if he'd say anything, maybe make a move first. I wanted to keep Deku on edge, and it was working.

He couldn't look away from me, his eyes following me as I took off my shoes and coat. The way he leaned in when I walked past him into my kitchen to grab us a snack. I felt his eyes watching my hands as I peeled and cut up two apples before putting them on a plate with a big scoop of peanut butter in the middle.

"This way." I ushered him as I bound up the stairs taking them two at a time, he slung his bag over his shoulder and slowly sauntered after me.

I pulled my coffee table over towards the edge of the bed and set the snacks down with a soft thud. He sat on the corner edge of my bed continuing to watch me as I turned my TV on and grabbed the controllers.

"Here. Pick which ever." I said as I handed him some of my games as I sat in the middle

I picked up an apple and dipped it in the peanut butter as he looked over the games. I saw him watch me out of the corner of his eye. I leisurely licked my lips. His breath shuttered vibrating the bed.

He abruptly stood and shoved a game into my Xbox.

"Be ready to lose." I said with determination

And he did lose. Three times in a row. Before I started the 4th game he gave up and decided to study instead. I watched him as he studied, his tongue darting out of the corner of his mouth as he tried to concentrate. The way his adam apple bounced as he swallowed after chewing on the last apple slice.

"You want more?" I asked him looking at the now empty plate

"Uhh- sure if you want more." he said with a shrug

"If you want some more then say that. No need to be so shy about eating." I said as I stood

"So-sorry. Yes I'd like more. Thanks." He said as he looked through his notes

"See that wasn't hard was it? I told you no more lies Deku." I said with a smirk

I walked down stairs to cut up another apple without another word.

I wanted to make a move. I wanted to taste more of him. I just didn't know how to make that move. Theres a first for everything I guess.


I walked back up to see Deku laying back on my bed, eyes closed textbook laid open on his chest. He was closer towards the middle of the bed now.

I leaned against the doorframe plate in hand watching him. His chest rise and falling in even beats. His big pouty plump lips parted with each breath. The way his shirt was tight around his body, riding up showing the hint of of his dark treasure trail leading down towards his V.

I tiptoed into the quiet room and set the plate back down on the table again. I ached to touch him. I lifted his book of his chest and set it in his backpack. I laid down next to him on my side, I brushed his hair off his forhead. When he didn't stirr I decided to push my restraint.

I ran my middle finger down his jaw to the column of his throat. Down over his chest leading to the few inches of his torso on display. I twirled my finger in his soft treasure trail. His breathing fluttered before settling down again.

I leaned forward and kissed his jaw, the apples of his cheeks and on his palse point under his ear. He stirred, eyes fluttering open meeting mine. I stood and nudged the coffee table away from the bed so I could fit between his legs better. When I settled down between his legs he sat up on his elbows watching me.

I sat forward and lifted his shirt showing off his hard abs. His breathing picked up again. He eyes gleaming down at me. I kissed down his abs on either side of his treasure trail before licking and sucking where the hair ended at the top of his lowriding jeans.

He tipped his head back and groaned deep in his chest. I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked into the space

"No." he whispered back

"Good." I said with a smile

I undid his belt before slowly unbottoning his pants and yanking down the zipper. His eyes watched me full of lust.

"I've..I've never done anything like this." He said looking away from me bashfully

"Me either. But it's good to know I'll be the one and only." I said as I tugged on his belt loops as he lifted his hips

We both watched as I inched the offending clothing fell down his hips and thighs.

His cock sprang free and settled on his stomach, the tips reaching just below his belly button.

I of course had seen his dick before when in the gym showers, just never like this. Not hard, veiny and the tip glistening with precum. It was beautiful.

I sucked in a breath before I leaned forward and licked the droplets off the tip. Sweet with a hint of salty danced on my tongue. Deku hissed above me as his hips thrusted up against my tongue.

"Fuck." he groaned out against his teeth

I kissed his tip before taking half of him in my mouth in one swoop. His hands bunching my sheets next to his hips. His eyes darted between my mouth and eyes.

I sucked and slurped hollowing my cheeks. Wet sloppy sounds filled the air around us. His eyes never leaving my face.

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