26.My Queen

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Hello my moonshines🖤 ,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out the them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners...

Guys one more thing I have changed one thing that is now avyansh is king of whole Rajasthan not only Jaipur...it was necessary otherwise I haven't done this....sorry for inconvenience...

Now enjoy reading✨

Ruhika's POV:-:

After holi party we escorted to our respective rooms...except my husband...

I changed and come but avyansh is still not present here...

Must be checking preparations for tomorrow..

I took my plushie well not mine but his...., laid on the couch and
suddenly i remember my conversation with dad, last night....

flashback starts~

I wake up at night due to some noises and turned on the lamp to check just to see avyansh sweating very badly in sleep while mumbling something and breathing heavily....is he having a nightmare??
I instantly ran towards him, held his palm and started rubbing it....



"P...ple...please...D...don't ki..kill....h..him!"he's mumbling in his sleep...

"avyansh calm down I'm here no one is doing anything,its just a nightmare!!"I tried to calm him I don't know but I can't see him like this...my heart is clenching....

"N...no...ple...please...d..don't l..leave.....m..me!"

"Shh calm down baby!!its me Ruhika!!I'm here with you!!"I cooed him like a baby


He mumbled as he held my palm tightly..

"No one will kill anyone avyaan I'm here"I said rubbing his palm as I wiped the sweats from his forehead...

I whispered some sweet words and after making sure that he slept,I took out my hands from his hold and kissed his forehead forehead before getting up....
I still don't know why I kissed him but I just did it....

I covered him with duvet,he's looking like a baby and cute while sleeping,carefree who don't care about world but when he'll wake up he'll come back to his'I-don't-give-a-fuck-to-anyone'mode

I was thirsty but the bottle was empty so I have to go downstairs to fill it, its not like that maids are not present here but why to disturb someone when you are capable...

I took the bottle and left for the kitchen...

Workers for night shift are present,they were talking but went silent when they sense my presence...
They bowed their head to me whereas I just nodded....

I reached kitchen,filled my water bottle and left...

Why avyansh was having a nightmare??,who are they??,who is he??
who was leaving him??is this is related to his past??is he also have a haunting past??

I didn't realize when I bumped into a table and stumbled when someone held me...
I looked up to its dad

"are you okay baccha?did you got injured?should I call doctor?where was your mind Ruhika!!can't you just walk properly!?"dad scolded me and looked at me with concern

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