36.Claiming her

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Here's the next update guys.
All images in the chapter is from Pinterest so their credit goes to their respective real owners.

Now enjoy reading...

Avyansh's POV:-:

I choked on my food when I felt her hands going on my inner thigh.

She instantly passed me a glass of water with another hand.

"What happen Beta?why you both are choking?Is there something wrong with food?"Mrs. Chauhan asked.

"N..no food is really delicious its just I'm eating it hurriedly so...!"I reasoned

"Avyansh eat slowly,its not good for your health!"Ruhika scolded as if she's not openly rapping me.

Ablaa nari suna tha lekin meri bewi ne mujhe ablaa mard bna diya.

This is kalyug bro!!

Yaah I agree

I took a deep breath when I felt her going further.

I leaned towards her a little and whispered in a husky and deep voice"Don't tease me Ruhika,you'll regret!!"

"Baby,Regret word don't exist in my dictionary!!"She whispered back with a smirk.


"Ruhika you are awaking the monster inside me and its everything but good,You are playing with fire!!"I said seriously.

"I like playing with fire hubby!"She whispered seductively with a wink.

Control Avyansh Control!!

Mr. And Mrs. Chauhan were busy in talking so they didn't listen us I guess.

Clearing my throat I getup from my seat as I was done with food.

"Excuse me!!"I said and left the table instantly

Author's POV:-:

After dinner Ruhika entered her room only to get pinned against the wall.

A gasp left her mouth as her back touched the cold wall.

She looked up only to see familiar honey brown orbs.

Avyansh sneaked his one hand around her waist while with other one he pinned her both hands above her head.

"Avyansh what is this behavior?leave me!"She said wiggling in his hold trying to free herself.

He didn't responded instead he looked straight in her eyes challenging her.

"Leave me otherwise I'll throw you out of my room!"She threatened but he showed no reaction.

After trying alot and failing again and again she sigh in defeat.

"What do you want!!"She asked glaring him.

"Biwi its time for bearing the consequences for the actions you did a moment ago!!"he whispered huskily making her gulp.

"Let me claim you!!"before she could understand the meaning of his words he smashed his lips to hers catching her off guard.

She stood still not able to digest his sudden reaction.

Avyansh groaned when he saw her not kissing him back.

He pulled her closer to him leaving no gap between them and she held his shoulders for support.

He pulled her even closer as much as possible leaving her hands.
She closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around his neck before fisting his silky smooth black hair whereas he sucked the life out of her lips.

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