31.Her Sufferings

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Hello moonshines🖤,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners.Now enjoy reading✨

Ruhika's POV:-

I have guesses that something happen at airport when he pulled me towards him and that to all of sudden.
And that unknown emotion in his eyes when he hugged me tightly!!
It was not just because of paparazzi but something else!!
But what??
Was it any attack or something else?

Well I have told my team to search about this.
and I'll get the result soon.

I was feeling hungry and thought to have some snacks so right now I'm descending the stairs of ground floor.

I was about to take steps towards living room when someone called me?? I guess!!

I turned back only to see two ladies in their mid 40s standing there and security head of avyaan.
And both women's are Italians but nick looks Indian.
I mean dark brown orbs and brown skin tone.

"cia signora, sono Nick, il capo della sicurezza di King"he said in his Italian accent without looking up.

(Hello ma'am,this is nick security head of king!!)

"ciao Nick!! cosa succede? c'è qualche problema?"I said

(Hello nick!!what happen? is there any problem?)

"No signora va tutto bene!! è solo che il re mi ha detto di presentarti la casa aiuta! quindi posso?"nick asked me.

(No ma'am everything's fine!! its just king told me to introduce you to the house helps!so can i?)

"Certo, perché no!!"I replied

(Sure! Why not!!)

"Signora, questa è Sofia"he said pointing towards the lady in pink apron, who smiled cheekily at me.

(Ma'am this is Sofia!)

"E questa è la Georgia"he pointed towards the lady in white apron,who give me a soft smile.

(And this is Georgia)

"Ciao, Ruhika qui!"I said with a soft smile

(Hello, Ruhika here!)

"Signora, adesso mi congedo e per favore mi lasci informare se vuole qualcosa"nick said as he left when I nodded.

(Ma'am I will take my leave now and please do let me inform if you want something)

I talked with aunt Sofia and aunt Georgia,when they were cooking.
I asked them about avyansh and they told me that he left for some so called important work.
I mean my husband is so boring.
Grumpy old unromantic bull.Huh!!

Now I'm seating in living area,planing about the surprise yaah its our 2nd month wedding anniversary tomorrow and I know that he'll not remember this.
And I have sudden urge to surprise him by doing something so here I'm.
After planning and telling somya to arrange everything I went to change my outfit.

I entered the room, hurriedly took a cold shower and entered the closet.
and get ready,curl my hairs and little bit makeup.

Well about my dress I wore a cute short dress.

Well about my dress I wore a cute short dress

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