38.The tragedy

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Greetings everyone
Here's the new chapter.
Hope you'll like it...
Enjoy reading.....

Avyansh ran behind her but it was late,her car was already out of the hotel premises

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Avyansh ran behind her but it was late,her car was already out of the hotel premises.

He instantly sat in his car and followed her knowing very well that she's angry and her anger is dangerous.

He is feeling like something wrong is going to happen.Something bad, and this situation is not helping at all.

Ruhika was driving furiously not giving a damn about any traffic rule.

It was already night and Ruhika was driving towards the woods which was making avyansh worried.

Avyansh was calling her regularly but she was ignoring his calls.

No one can feel the amount of hurt she was feeling.
She know that aratrika didn't did this marriage by her own wish.
She's hiding something and that hurts her more.
Do they don't consider her even that close to tell her that they are facing some issue?
She considered 4 of them as her family.They were there for her when no one was.She shared everything and when she said everything that mean every single thing.They are her soul sisters.
But seeing them hiding something from her hurted her.
And not some normal thing, it was most important part of her best friend's life.

Aratrika was most sensitive one in their group.She can't even kill a housefly.And the thought of her getting hurt was not less than a nightmare for Ruhika.

She'll stood against the whole world for them without even thinking twice they know this thing yet they hid it from her.

It should not hurt her,its their personal life.

And what hurted her the most was avyansh's lie.
She never expected him to lie to her.
She trusted him but he broke her trust.

Everytime she endup getting hurt from the people she never imagined.

She was so engrossed in her thought that she didn't notice the truck coming towards her with high speed.

Avyansh's breath caught in throat as he saw the truck.

Everything around him stopped.
Once again he can feel something that he never felt.A new feeling.


Fear of losing her.
Fear of losing his love once again.
Fear of losing the women who successfully bring him out from the. darkness.
Fear of losing the person who made him believe in second chance.
Fear of losing the person who's his comfort place.
Fear of losing his Rooh.

All the moments he spent with her till now flashed in front of his eyes.

He come out of trance hearing the voice of honk,with shivering hands he sped up the car.

He have to save her even if it cost his own life.
He was determined to save her but god was having another plan.

(A/N:-Author was having another plan*smirk)

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