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Brooks Scott

"Hey, Brooks, look at this!"
"Come on, let's fucking go!"
"Oh, no! They're coming! Shit"

Thousands of words batter inside my brain, making it ache even harder. My eyes open up and I'm blinded by a bright, white light. Oh, Jesus. Is this the end? I'm fucking dying.

With the way my head aches, it certainly feels like it. Blurry vision clouds my brain even more. What is that light? And why is it so fucking bright? I lift an arm and it hurts to do so but I need to wipe my eyes. When my vision finally clears, I recognize the ceiling above me all too well.

A weak chuckle escapes my lips. That chuckle turned into full-blown laughter. If someone walked in here right now, they would probably think I'm crazy. Staring at the ceiling and laughing. Who does that?

Me. I do.

The mighty interesting gray ceiling is dirty. There's probably more lint on it than there is in Gary's belly button. Brown blotches stain the ceiling. Probably from rain. How old is this place? I've been here three times now and it's always looked gross. Only this time, I'm too drunk to even process anything.

Besides the ceiling.

If I move my head down, it'll start to throb. Hell, it already is. I feel like someone's smashing Thor's hammer against my temples. A cigarette right now would be killer.

The sound of metal panging against metal makes me flinch, causing my head to move and my brain to swell. "Ah," I winced. "Thank you so much, Gary. We're so sorry this had to happen again." Is that my momma's voice? I finally turn my head toward where I hear voices. Gary stands right outside the small cell, holding it open for me. Mom and Dad stand next to him. "I'll make it up to you. Thanks, Gary."

"Lucky your parents came for you, kid," Gary rumbled, that same scowl on his face. His comment makes me smile. Yes, momma and dad, my saviors once again! It takes all my will to stand on two feet. "Nice seeing you too, Gary Berry," I teased as I walked out of the cell. Stumbling over my own two feet, Dad catches me by the arm, holding my limp-feeling body up.

"Let's go," Momma whispered and Dad pushed me forward gently. "Ouch," I whined as he let go of my arm. He was grabbing it so hard that I felt a mark forming. My parents are on a mission as they walk quickly towards their car. Momma got a new car two weeks ago. A sweet G-Wagon. It's nice as fuck. "Oh, I forgot my friends," I slurred, remembering the people I left behind.

"Get in the car, Brooks," Dad demanded, tone firm. He steps in front of me and opens the door. The glare in his eyes is real, man. It scares me a bit but I grin at him, patting his arm. "Thanks, old man," I say before hopping into the backseat. God, my head is still throbbing. Dad slams the door and the sound doesn't do me any good.

No more loud noises, please.

When Dad gets in the driver's seat, he and Momma begin to talk in hushed whispers. I don't even bother to hear what they're saying honestly. All that's on my brain is my bed and the harsh pounding feeling. My world goes dark for a few seconds and then light up again when my eyes open. Dad's voice echoes in my ear. "Alright, get up. We're home," he boomed.

Alright, his voice isn't that loud but with the massive headache I have going on, it sounds like he's yelling. Sleep would get rid of my headache but so would a cigarette. Only problem is I forgot to buy some after my last pack ran out so I'll have to sneak into Kayce's room to steal one.

My legs lead the rest of my body, hopping out of the car. When I look up, I don't see mine and Kayc's apartment complex. I see my childhood home. "Uhm, pid stop?" I asked, staring confused at Dad. Momma comes over from the right side and grabs my arm, pushing me toward the house. "You're staying here tonight where we can watch you," she informed me.

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