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"Save me...?"



Universe: 124293891

Munin's eyes narrowed, and he walked into the room. Exodus had come back to the dorm a few hours ago while Munin fruitlessly tried to study in the library. For some reason, the lights were still on. So either:

a) Exodus was still up doing something productive, or

b) he was up playing games.

Since Munin knew Exodus as a person, he would bet a decent amount of money on the second option. How did Exodus get games and wifi in another universe? Munin did not know. But, then again, this was the same universe where two (or probably more) people who had died in a nuclear explosion had woken up in, so it wasn't a stretch that other things could happen.

"Hey, Munin," Exodus said, not looking up from the game. Munin didn't leave. Instead, he just stood there and watched Exodus play, not saying anything. After a moment, Exodus looked over, confused.

"Care... to explain why you're just...standing there?" Munin shook his head and walked over to the desk, on which sat a piece of parchment.

"What's this?" Munin asked, quickly skimming over the document. "A transfer letter? For who?" Exodus sighed.

"Who do you think?" He muttered, sounding annoyed. "The two of us." Munin sighed, shaking his head.

"Where to?" Munin said, sitting down on the couch. Exodus shrugged, standing up. He had lost the match by a few hundred points.

"Some... I don't know. Another academy?" Munin rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Yeah, I realized. Where else? The depths of hell?" He muttered disdainfully. "Tell me it's different from this one?" Exodus shrugged.

"I truly hope so." He replied, yawning. "I'm going to sleep. Good night." Munin shrugged and nodded.

"Go ahead. I'm going to read over this letter."


Universe: 124293891

It was a mistake. Various instances of badly disguised insults and jabs, and references to words that Munin could only wish to say without being censored. Munin woke up to an annoyed Exodus shaking him. It took him a moment to realize that he had fallen asleep face flat on the table.

"Alright, alright." He muttered. "I'm up." He rubbed his eyes, shaking his head in a vain attempt to wake himself up. "Sitrep?"

Exodus paused, looking at him."Sit- what?" He asked, confused.

Munin gave him a deadpan look."3 years and you've already forgotten all professional military terminology?" Munin muttered, rubbing his eyes. Exodus laughs walking over to open the shades.

"Crystal Kingdom's going to die anyway. Might as well just... you know, make the most of it here right?" Exodus asked. Munin gaped at him, shocked. "Nice climate, clean air, beautiful skies, uh... pretty-" Exodus got cut off by a book hitting the back of his head very, very hard.
"Crystal Kingdom will never die." Munin hissed, standing up. "Besides, I prefer the cold."

"What about the sky?" Exodus shot back. Munin hesitated, before shrugging.

"As long as there's enough oxygen to run jet engines, I'm happy." He said, shaking his head. "Besides, it's calming to live and have the same weather every day."
"Even if it's toxic air with a 100% chance of acidic rain?" Exodus muttered. "How is living in our world living at all?" Munin sighed, turning back to face Exodus.

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