Actual Responsiblity?

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Clyde's POV - Science Classroom

I throw a paper crumbled up into a ball at Craig, laughing loudly. 'Ms. Solar' walks into the room, and nobody seems to notice.

"So!" She yells loudly, and most people go quiet and look her way. "You have gotten assigned seats, so you won't be sitting like you are right now." Everyone sighs, as if this wasn't bad enough. "Be quiet! Alright.. We'll be going in alphabetical order, last names, since that's how it's written here in the seating system. So first.. An Arit? Arit goes right.." She looks down at her thick book, "Over there." She keeps going with our seats, and I end up on the edge while Craig's on the other. I'm friends with everyone though, so i'm fine with anyone.

EXCEPT, for the one I got to sit with. Since his last name starts with B, he got sat amongst the first ones. And sadly, my name starts with a D, and not many people have their last name start with C, so we ended up exactly beside eachother. Fucking Tolkien.

When he sits down next to me, he immediately pulls up his phone. I scoff, and he pulls my hair hard, making my head go backwards at his hard grip.

"Wow, how mature you are." I mutter, trying to sound more mature about this.
"Shut the fuck up you man whore." I decide not to answer that.

"Yes, hello! Now that we're in our seats, let's get started shall we? A reminder I can take as much of your time as i'd like, so be quiet if you want to go home." Mutters can be heard around the room, including mine. "Now now, we're gonna start with a little game. Everyone stand up."

Everyone gets up pretty slowly, Kyle having to basically drag Stan up.

"Okay, now I want you to walk around the room, and pick 3 people to shake hands with. Go on." Everyone, despite not wanting to, starts walking around, grabbing hands. I shake hands with Wendy, Tweek, and Craig.

"Okay now everyone freeze. Right, so. Clyde, you have crabs." Everyone gets confused and starts whispering again. "Now, who shook hands with Clyde?" They all 3 put up their hands. "And who shook hands with them?" More people raise their hands. "And them?" It keeps going until everyone but Tolkien raises their hands.

"Right, now you all have crabs. Except for you, Tolkien. Good job."
"Knew it would be some bullshit like that.." He whispers, but me being beside him, I heard him.
"What, you only said that because I was the one with crabs." I scoff, and he gives me a sly smile.

"So, can anyone guess the lesson of this?"
"Don't shake hands with Clyde?" Tolkien laughs, smiling even wider at his statement.
"No, don't have unprotected sex." Ms. Solar cuts me off, before I attack Tolkien.
"How does that have anything to do with shaking hands-" Kyle slaps a hand on Stan's mouth.
"Hehe, fags-"
"Cartman." Ms. Solar gives him a glare. He only tilts his head. "Right, that's all we have for today." Everyone's surprised, but very happy, as we all start moving out. "Next time we meet in the gymnasium!" Ms. Solar yells as everyone rushes out of the classroom.

"Hey, Clyde." I turn my head to see Tolkien, and I stare him up and down, raising an eyebrow at him.
"You up for a round?"
"Fighting? You sound gay as fuck."
"I wanna beat the crap out of you for trying to ruin my match last week."
"Ohhh, yeah! I did that." I snicker, but he punches me into my locker.
"Yeah, and you're gonna pay for it."

He grabs the collar of my shirt, throwing me across the hall and into a wall. I immediately bounce back and attack him, starting to punch him in the face. He gets ahold of my collar again, and this time he pulls me close, only to push us both harshly onto the wall again, this time he comes with me, to continue with punching my face afterwords.

"Ack- Fucking asshole!" I scream, and try to push him off of me as hard as I can. I push him into my locker, and slam the door to it in his face. I take this chance to run away, but he catches up to me in the middle of the gymnasium. We're both panting heavily, but he jumps on me, making us both fall to the ground. Before I can climb away, he climbs on top of me, flips me around, and starts to punch me. After a real beat down of punches, I cough up blood. I let it happen just to rip on him.

"You do realize-" I cough, "You're sitting on my crotch right now, right?" He looks down, and lets out a war-cry before punching my stomach, making me cough up a big portion blood.

"A-.." I huff, "Anger out yet?"
"Yes." He looks down at me, still sitting on my crotch. Hard, too. I mean like, he's pushing his body weight down on me, like really hard.
"Can you move then?" We're both still panting.
"No.. I need to breathe."
"And my dick needs to breathe, get off you fucking moron!" I yell, before more blood comes out in a cough, rolling down my chin.
"Fuck, I can't believe i'm bringing you down again." He grabs my collar, AGAIN, and pulls me up to my feet, after sloppily getting off my crotch. He holds me under my shoulder, classic carry-healing style. He carries with me up to the nurses office.

"Goddamnit.." The nurse whispers to herself, seeing us on our way. "Sit on the bed."

We sit down on the same bed, waiting to be treated.

"You're such a fucking asshole." I say, wiping blood with my thick jacket.
"I being down you here each time, be happy."
"If you hate me, then why bring me here?"
".. You're fun to fight. And beat."
"Well I want to be left alone sometimes. God, you actually act like a clingy girlfriend if you think about it."

He immediately gets mad at that, but I put my arms up in peace.

"No more, no more please.."
"Be glad you begged."

I sigh, he's basically obsessed. I don't see him hanging with other people, he's only, always, after me.

Tolkiens POV - Nurse's Office

Okay, yeah. I get pleasure from beating Clyde down. I like seeing him vulnerable, wounded, and bloody under my grasp. I'm actually just mad I can't spend time with him normally. The only way I do is by getting into fights with him. Which I don't mind, I win most of the time. Unless i'm feeling nice and letting him beat me down. But it's all because I want to be with him. I don't have any friends, and to not lose my sanity, I fight Clyde so I don't look like a complete loner. People are completely distracted by our fighting instead, which i'm happy about. Some people even think we're together, which both Clyde and I choose to ignore. It's better that way. I think about it a lot, so like, not really?? I'm not an aggressive guy, i'm actually totally calm. I just like his scent, his touch. I just don't want to get too close to him, it feels wrong. I feel guilty. Okay back to the other thing, since I think about that rumor about me and Clyde, then I don't really ignore it? I definitely don't have a crush on Clyde, I think. I mean i'm sure.

It's very confusing. Not that- I don't like Clyde. But it's confusing about Clyde, I don't know my feeling of it. I love being around him actually, but not in a "I want to be nice to him" way, I just want to be rude and beat him up.. I've read about it online- I just fucking realized I googled up stuff about myself because of Clyde. Okay, but online it says i'm what's called a "Tsundere"? Some Japanese shit. I don't really understand it. But, it did say that it means I like a person. I don't, that's weird. I could never see myself with a girl, romantically. Or sexually.

"Lift up your chin." I turn my head to see Clyde's head being tilted up by the nurse. I get an urge, so I slap her hand away. She gives me a confused slap, but I brush it off.

"Sorry." Clyde also looks at me, and I feel hit by that disgusting look he gave me. It's toxic, but I want more of it. I like the feeling of him not liking me. Yet I want him to like me..

What the fuck is wrong with me?

"You too." I sigh, but lift my head. I feel Clyde's eyes on my face, and I turn nervous, forgetting how to breathe. He's eyeing me aggressively, and I just want to punch him, and jump on him. Fuck.. This is so wrong.

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