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Clyde's POV - Hallway

We haven't talked in a week. But today is the day I confess to him, properly. Or at least talk to him. AT LEAST, get another kiss. I miss it, even after one.

I step into the classroom, seeing him the first thing I do. Since it's 5 minutes till we start, I, on impulse, grab his arm and pull him away.

"Dude-!! What, wanna fight?"
"What? No?"
"Oh shit- Right i've figured out my feelings. Um."
"You have?"
"Not like that- Agh, forget it."
"We need to talk."
"I know." He looks down for a second.

I grab his hand, getting ready to speak, but as soon as I part my lips, I feel his attacking them. I go wide eyed, but melt into it.

I turn a bright red, and he just smiles innocently at me, grabbing my cheeks.

"I've missed that taste.."
"Wha- You haven't even tasted me?" I cover my mouth, and he just looks at me, and then starts laughing.

"Not like that.. Yet." He says.
"Ugh, fuck.."
"What's wrong?"
"This is. I don't want a soft fucking relationship. I want to be able to drag you from a party, and demand a fucking make out session whenever I want."

He looks at me with shimmering eyes, and I just smirk.

"Oh? Well you can.." I can see he's a little embarrassed. Huh. I never knew he was submissive.. I'm gonna use that to my own advantage, sometime soon.

"Hey um," I say after a few seconds of silence, "You can taste me now if you want."

He stares at me at first, but then he suddenly just attacks me, and grabs my face, harshly holding me against the bathroom stall.

"Go on then-" With those words, he kisses me harshly. Kinda hurt not gonna lie. But he grabs ahold of my tongue, and I feel my knees, hands and whole body going weak and trembling. I let him just suck my tongue dry, letting out small gasps and whimpers every now and then.

"There." He lets go randomly, leaving me unsatisfied. Whatever.. I'll take him after this.

"Did I taste good?"
"Something I could live off of, yeah."

I'm so glad the cheesiness is gone.. I missed the bold Tolkien.

"I came here to talk to you though.." I say.
"Me too."

"I'll start. Tolkien, i've figured myself out. And before you say anything, i'm coming out as a he/they, and if you don't like it-"

He bursts out laughing.

"COMING OUT? AS A HE/THEY?" He laughs just like Cartman would when we were kids.
"What, you don't support it?"
"No, I do- But Clyde, you don't 'come out' as a he/they, that's just pronouns. Are you still a boy?"
"Yeah. Fully."
"That's all I need to know." He gives me a quick peck on my forehead. "That brings me somewhere, I'm-"
"No. I'm not done. I've figured out my sexuality."
"..Go on."
"I'm a bisexual male with a preference for men."
"Awh, that's great Clyde!"
"That's all. Thank you."

He caresses my waist all of a sudden, letting his hands rest on them.

"You can stop being so stale.. I support you."

I sigh, letting all my air out. I'm relieved.

"I'm relieved."
"Onto me.. I'm gay with any pronouns except she/her."

I grab his face and kiss him, not letting go for a long while.

"FUCK!" I yell, "This is so fucking corny."
"Well, let's forget it and go on with our day?"
"Our date?"

I tilt my head, and he starts blushing.

"N-no.." He giggles, "Our day."
"Ohhh, okay"

He smiles, and reaches for the door handle. I grab his wrist, pinning him backwards onto the wall.

"Wait! Can I taste you now?"
"Didn't you do that with me earlier-?"
"Not like that."

He turns a dark red, and I laugh. I really want to devour him right here, but it isn't the right place. Later.

"You can-"
"Awhh.." He frowns, and I tilt my head again.
"Would you like me to~?"
"Yes please sir."

I laugh, and turn around and walk out of the stall.

"Oh. I thought you were going to.."
"Tolkien.. Some other time."
"Some other time? No, I want you now."
"Well wait till after school."

A wide smile spreads across his face.

"Promise,.. We can, after school?"
"I can eat you, yeah."

Tolkien's POV - Mens Bathroom

He's so fucking bold with words, and he's playing into my fucking boner. He's literally feeding it. After school? He better hold that promise.


The whole fucking day he teased me by giving me sexual looks, even making a fucking sucking dick motion a couple of times at me. The most compelling one was at lunch.

He was talking to Jimmy, Tweek, and Craig, Craig beside him, Jimmy in front of him, and Tweek beside Jimmy. I was by Bebe's table, and she was talking to the whole table, including me. I turned my head to him, ONCE, and he immediately turned his head at me too. I tilted my head in confusion, since he was starting to do some weird motion. When it gets more clear, I see he's using one hand to motion a dick going into his mouth. Craig turned his head, he was talking, and at that moment, he saw what Clyde was doing. He looked from him, to me, and made a disgusted motion. I don't even want to know what he said after that. One thing I did see was that he went quiet, staring at Clyde with a traumatized look. Clyde immediately started sweating, putting up his hands in defense. Jimmy and Tweek were really confused, because Craig just ate his food in silence the rest of the lunch, Clyde yelling around the table, and then nervously also eating his food.

But as it happened, Bebe also saw me going wide eyed, and she quieted down, turned her head to him, and saw his motion. She then turned back to me, seeing my wide eyes and red face. She immediately started shitting on me, telling me I was gay, and making dirty jokes. No one saw it, but it made me the horniest, and I fucking sweat the entire lunch after that, because I had a fucking boner.

Now school is finally over, and i'm waiting for him in front of it. As soon as I spot him walking towards me, I jump to it, and grab him with me.

"What's up Tolkien, going somewhere?"
"Can you stop acting like we didn't just become boyfriends, and you're about to suck my dick?" I was tired of his bullshit, I wanted my fucking blowjob, from my very own boy-friend.

He laughed, and finally agreed.

"Fiiineee, Tolkien. I'll suck your dick."
"Don't say shit like that!"
"What? I am? I'm going to suck your dick?"
"You understand what that'll do, right?"
"I understand that you're holding my hand and dragging me around schoolgrounds right now."
"I'm so gagging you later."
"You don't see me having a reaction to that."
"Because i'm suffering, and you're getting pleasure out of this!"
"Maybe.. But i'm going to enjoy this."
"I'm going to make sure you can't."

He finally blushed, shutting the fuck up.

"Finally.." I say, and he just keeps a straight, but red face, while getting dragged by me.

God, after all this suffering.. I'm making him whimper and moan my name all night.

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