Mind Off Of Him

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Clyde's POV - Graveyard

Looking at the stars. Not a Clyde thing, not gonna lie. I'm boring as fuck, there's nothing to it. Looking at the stars? Pfft, nerd shit. But i'm over here doing it. Me. Alone. For what? I guess i'm just thinking? Admiring? The stars kinda get in my way of thinking. But it seems I can't stop thinking. Nothing particular, just stupid thoughts.

Suddenly, the thought of Tolkien came up, and that night. Fuck the idea of it being him, no fucking way. He fucking hates me. I usually don't think this deep, like, ever, but.. Has he been acting weird?

Fighting, bringing me to the nurse, her fixing us up together, the rumor about us- WAIT, WHAT? None of that sounds fucking right! Bringing me to the nurse? Why? If you fucking hate me? The rumor, we both ignore it, what? Is that something we chose together? Why are we so rigged? Why do we ignore everything else, especially gay shit ABOUT us? What else is there that I miss? Seriously, each time I hear that rumor I just turn my brain off and forget it. Is that because it's normalized? Or is it something I wanna forget? I don't fucking know, I forget it each time. I forget the feeling.

One thing I remember, is that fight from last week. When we were at the nurse, I was staring intensely at him when the nurse was fixing him up. His chin was up, blood running down his nose, over his mouth.. He was completely still. I remember it so vividly. Why was he completely still? His expression looked so nervous too. He couldn't have caught me staring at him right? Nah. No way. He's just very still as a person. I mean, how was I supposed to know that, right? I hate the guy!

The stars always formed different signs, no matter how I looked at it, I could always find one. Pretty easy work. I should get going back home.. It's late anyway.

I raise my hand, and on my phone "22:24" shines brightly, since I have a complete black screen, and i'm outside. When i'm outside, my screens brightness gets higher, no matter what.

It's about a 10 minute walk home, i'll be fine.


Tolkiens POV - University

Gotta find a place to hide. I'm infamous for being late to school, but i'm never actually late. Im always super early, just to hide somewhere in the school. Unless I get into a fight with Clyde. God, I fucking hate him. He's so fucking annoying.

I hate Clyde. I hate his,.. Knobby knees.. I hate his prickled hair. I hate the red and white jacket he always wears to school, no matter the season.. I hate how our stupid hatred for eachother since we were 13 grew into nothing but the same shit when we're 20. I hate his shining brown eyes, I hate.. I hate how he flicks something out of his teeth with his left pointer finger after lunch every single day while walking down the hallway of the cafeteria with Craig and Tweek..

I hate him.

"Tolkien? Tolkien—!!" Someone knocks me out of my thoughts. It's Bebe, my classmate. "Fucking wake up, goddamn.. I need your help." She nods, and looks down at her phone.

"What?" I shake my head, how'd I get here? Had to find a place to hide.. Slipped into thoughts, ended up here.. "Why are you early?" I ask her, and she looks me up and down.
"Why are you early, bitch-rich boy?"
"Tch.. What do you want?"
"Stop being so negative zaddy," She giggles sassily, "I need to fuck you."
"The fuck?" I back up from her.
"Calm down, damn.. I need to get back at Clyde." I immediately lean back in again. "Hah, I knew you'd nap. We need to make it seem like we fucked at least, because he needs to pay more attention to me."
"No problem."
"Obviously I want something."

She groans, "What."

"Who do you hangout with at breaks?"
"Uh, Wendy."
"Let me tag along." She looks me up and down, and scoffs. Her curly blonde hair, long lashes, blue eyes, and red lip combo all go too well together.
"As if-! You ain't any girl gossip, the fuck?"
"I can be."

"Give me a chance, i'll prove it." I say before she can answer. She growls and looks away from me for a second, before nodding unhappily.
"Fine, goddamnit."

After that we just came up with a plan. Not gonna lie, being friends with Bebe is a good thing. She's actually funny as fuck, and I feel like I could fit in with her and Wendy. Andddd,.. I don't mind spending money with 'em. Being around Clyde's girlfriend is gonna aggravate him too, so that's a bonus.

I sit down in class beside Bebe, and she gives me a look. She'll warm up to me, I know it. She's sassy to every guy in class.

As soon as Clyde steps in, Bebe switches over and sits on my desk, smirking at me. I give her a smirk back, instigating our plan. Clyde walks by, obviously giving me a hurt look. He's jealous, I know it. I don't look back at him, pretending i'm mesmerized by Bebe's beauty.

The rest of class is us small-flirting, and Clyde looking from behind us.

"Thanks for last night by the way Tolkien." Is the last thing Bebe says, walking out of the classroom. I walk the other way, and expect an attack from Clyde. Which I get, but he doesn't do what I think he's gonna do.

He pulls me away, hiding us away from everyone else in a hallway. He tugs on my collar, arching my back over a desk, and him leaning against me.

"Tolkien, you gotta stay away from Bebe, she's poison!"
"What, you jealous?"
"Bebe's a trash girlfriend, don't get close to her, I beg!"
"You sound pretty jealous."
"Fucking- No, you douche! I'm trying to save you!"

I give him a confused but angry look. What the fuck is he talking about? Saving me? He's supposed to be thirsting over Bebe?!

"Dude- What?" I say.
"Don't get close to her!"
"No, like, why do you care?"

He stops in his tracks, and his movement goes still. For a few seconds, it's just us being positioned weirdly against a desk in an empty hallway.

"I.. Don't know." He looks down, shocked expression covering his face. He looks paralyzed, actually frightened.. It makes me a little worried.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say, but he pushes me back when I try getting closer.

"Fuck, I-.. Leave me alone Tolkien, I-.." He stresses around, before walking out to our hall and disapp-earing. I stand still in confusion. Leave you alone? Bitch, you came and pulled me over here. Seriously, i'm shocked now too. What was all that about?




be happy with my work i'm proud of my drama

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