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Clyde's POV - Classroom

Tolkien wasn't acting weird. Totally normal, actually. It couldn't have been him. I mean, I didn't think that from the beginning-!! It's just, there's a possibility, you know?

That's not why i'm worried though. I mean, not that I would be worried over him not being my hookup, just- Fuck, whatever! What I'm saying is, I'm worried on why not one bone in my body told me that warning Tolkien was weird. I just ran to tell him. Why do I care?

Fuck, now I'm acting weird. I glance over at the two of them, doing their usual weird routine.. I couldn't care less. Why would I?

Then why is something worrying you, Clyde? Why is it putting you off?

No- It's just that I'm really confused on why I did that. Seriously, I don't care about him and Bebe. They seriously bore me, to be honest.

"Oh, Tolkie~!" I cringe instantly, hearing Bebe basically moan over the entire class. Ew.. Okay, I'm done thinking, I'm not gonna try and save Tolkien again. He's weirder than me, I'm not gay. Why'd I add that? So random.

I glance over at them again, and Tolkien stares me dead in the eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. He doesn't let it go, and keeps on staring at me. I can't let my eyes go off of his, but I can see his hand on Bebe's thigh from the corner of my eye. I'm totally beating his ass later, if he wants me to 'thirst' over Bebe, then so be it. I'll just burst his balls.

When the bell rings, he picks up his stuff and leaves. I can't believe I wasted most of class time on thinking about why I cared. I didn't. Tolkien can go ruin his life with Bebe, I don't fucking care.

"Dude.. You okay?" Craig gives me a disgusted look, and I just shake my head.
"I'm fine."
"Okay.. Can we go now?"
"Where are we going?"
"Our dinner plans?"
"You, me, Tweek, Jimmy, restaurant downtown..?"
"Oh, right."

I totally forgot about that, fuck. It'll get my mind off of things. It's for the better.


Later, we arrive at Craig's place. He takes off his iconic blue hat as soon as he steps inside the hallway, and puts it on a shelf. He's supposed to let me borrow his clothes for this evening.. We're just gonna hangout tills then.

"You want something to eat?" Craig points to a chair in his kitchen.
"Yeah, gimme some bread."

Craig quickly places a plate, butter and bread on the table in front of me. He then gets his apron on and starts cooking eggs.

"I still can't believe you eat eggs."
"They're healthy.."
"And you're not?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"

He scoffs at me not giving a reaction, and goes back to cooking. The smell of eggs blending with the 'ssshh' sound of them cooking go so well together.

"What I mean is you have an unhealthy sex-life.." I whisper, but his raven black hair starts rotating immediately, and he quickly paces up to me, putting the spatula on my cheek for a hot second (literally!!), making me squeak.

"Ow, you bastard!"
"Do not talk about my sex-life like that."
"Not my fault you're a whore??"
"Have I ever fucked you?"
"I don't know yet, have you?"

He suddenly becomes quiet, and I immediately scoff.

"Are you staying quiet go confuse me?!"

He doesn't answer. I grunt, but keep making my sandwiches. I do admire Craig's house's decoration, the old vintage designs of basically every-thing blends so well. Not with him, but with some aesthetic. It brings me warmth, even though I know it's just his mom, Laura, wanting it to look nice. It does though, so I'm not complaining?

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