Hormones and Puberty

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Clyde's POV - Classroom

Fucking sexual education again today!! That's great.

Um, so, yeah. I um. No. Um. No. We're not going to talk about Friday.

It's Monday. Okay. Um. Okay.




Okay no, seriously. Im sitting in class, fucking sweating. 4 minutes till schools over, but I have fucking sexual education. With Tolkien. I've been able to avoid him today, but I sit beside him there.. Fuck! What do I do? I figured it out.. I haven't even told Craig. He won't believe me.


(But he's not thinking about actually fucking Tolkien, THE Tolkien? Right.. He's a little slow, bear with me.)

Okay, um. It's not that bad- WAIT, I FUCKED TOLKIEN? I'm worried about him, and not about my reputation, and the fact that I fucked him? Well now I am. FUCK, EW! I was so high, I wanted to fuck a man.. Why'd I think that? My mind is spinning.

The sound of students shuffling around the room fills my ears, and I twitch. Craig gives me a concerned look, and then pulls me with him to go to SE. I'm stressed.. I can't think.

"Dude, what's wrong?"
"Don't 'dude' me! I'm stressed!"
"I fucked-"

"Hello Donovan, hello Tucker." Ms. Solar looks at us from in front of the door. I turn my head, along with my eyes from Craig to Ms. Solar.
"Hi." I say, and Craig follows me inside.

"You figured it out?! Tell me!"
"I fucked Tolkien."

He goes quiet, but before he can respond, Ms. Solar pushes everyone to their seats. Tolkien..

I try not to look at him as I sit down, but his eyes are stuck on Bebe's. Then it's fine!! Right?! It's fucking fine. He wouldn't tell anybody, would he? Nah..

I glance at him, for probably the 6th time, but I catch his eyes right on me. Fuck, what do I do now?

Tolkien's POV - SE Classroom

He obviously figured it out. But I can use that to my advantage.. And make fun of him! Or ruin his reputation.. Fuck, that's a good idea.

But, what I can't help is what else I wanna do. I wanna do it again, I wanna tease him.. Do it again? Ew. But it's so tempting.. It wasn't fun when he was high.. All he did was submit. I only like him at my feet when we're fighting.. Or maybe I just don't like him high? In sex at least?


But like, what is he like normally? I gotta stop denying it.. These thoughts are something I can't help.

I smirk, seeing him quickly turn his head away. Though I feel a rage inside my stomach..

"Donovan? Do you understand this question?" I whisper to him, right beside his ear.
He twitches, but quickly answers.
"We're not friends, don't fucking ask me?" The aggressiveness hits me every time. I still got to feel your body..
"Stop fucking looking at me! I was fucking high!" He said that a little too loud.

"And that's why we're here, class." Ms. Solar turns to us. "We were supposed to learn about hormones and puberty, but how about we teach Clyde about gay sex, the thing he thought Victoria didn't want to talk about? Well I do." Ms. Solar looks at Clyde. Does she hold a grudge or what?

Kenny 'ooo's, and I give him a lazy glare. He snickers.

"FUCK NO? He took advantage of me when I was high!"

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