Late Night Graveyard

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Clyde's POV - Schoolyard

"You comin' tonight?" Craig jumps up to me, and I immediately jump in excitement.
"Fuck yeah dude!" Craig gives me a disgusted look when he catches a glimpse of my face. "Oh, yeah- Fight with Tolkien."
"Suspected that." Craig looks down at his phone, and I lean over his shoulder to look. "7PM."
"Sweet! See you there bro!" I clap his back real quick, before running off to home. Probably gonna play some games and then eat before I go.


I'm into my 15th Fortnite match- I think? And i'm hungry as fuck. I turn my head at the sound of my phone beeping once, and I pick it up.

"You coming tonight?" It was.. Actually, I look up to see the name Tolkien. When the fuck did I get his number?
"Yeah, why? You gonna cause me trouble?"
"Might." I get a quick answer.
"Seriously, what do you want?"
"I was kidding."
"Okay.. Then what do you want bruv?"

I keep looking down at my phone, but he doesn't seem to be responding. That's when I see the time- 6:33 PM. Gotta get ready. I finish my game before I pick up my phone and decide to shoot Tolkien a last text.

"Bring me some food would ya? I'm hungry and I ain't got time to eat." I don't know why I didn't just ask Craig. Man, I should've. But if they both get food for me, it'll be embarrassing.

Tolkien obviously doesn't respond- Well he's definitely not bringing me food. I'm still not gonna ask Craig, i'm too lazy. I'll just feed myself with vodka, any alcohol I can find, and drugs. It's Friday, i'll be fine.

"6:46PM" Alright, I gotta go now if I wanna get there on time, I mean, to get the party started.


"Clydeee!!" Bebe, my girlfriend, yells at me as soon as she catches a glimpse of me. I sigh, but return the hug she immediately gives me. I love her, she's just a tad bit overwhelming. Maybe i'm a bad boyfriend.. I don't know.
"Hey Babe.." I sigh again, and she gives me a sharp look.
"What, not happy to see me?"
"Wha- I- Huh?"
"You always act like this!" She lightly slaps my chest, and I retort. How'd it get to this??
"Act like what..??"
"And now you wanna act sassy?! You're such a bad boyfriend!" She stumbles off, and i'm left confused. But, I look around to see that most people that are here saw it go down.
"Awh come on, it's not that bad. Stop giving me looks Kenny, you're not better in any way!" I shoot him a sharp glare, and he puts his hands up in defense, admitting it's true.

A mood suddenly shoots over me, and I make my way to the middle of the graveyard. I walk into a person, and i'm ready to shout at them, until I look up to see Tolkien.

"Fuck, not now."
"I got you your food." He says, cutting me off. I look up again, to see a basket in his hand. I smile, but then look away to hide it. It's fucking Tolkien, ew.
"Wanna-" He pauses for a second. "I don't know, sit here and eat?"

I'm way too hungry to fight, so I just pull his arm and force us both down to sit on the semi-wet grass. I don't really care.

We eat in silence, but every once in a while I catch him eyeing me. I don't look back, not wanting him to think we're friends in any way.

"Thanks." I say once i've finished. I stand up, ready to go, but he grabs my arm.
"Gonna leave me like that?"
"We ain't friends." I say harshly, but he doesn't seem to get mad.
"Come on, sit down." I look at him with a disgusted look. "Please?"

I sigh, but fall down on my ass beside him again. I put my knees up to my head, resting my elbows on them, and my head in my hands. I have an obvious bored face, waiting for Tolkien to eat up. He eats very slowly, I can hear him munching on his first sandwich, still. He's quiet. That's weird, he's really.. He's really trying to be quiet.

I turn my head to face him, but can't see his face, due to him leaning it downwards. I get closer, and let my head wander under his. I kite my eyes, but still can't see his expression. He grasps the sandwich, and I flick my vision from that and back to his face. That's when I see that he's crying.

"Woah- What's wrong?" I blurt out, moving back from him.
"Hm?" He looks up at me, and his black eyes shimmer by the nightlight. But he has a normal expression on, as if he's not crying at all. "What, what is it?"

I lean into him again, moving my hand to the place behind him for support.

"What are you doing-" His eyes flicker to my hand, and I wonder why. I lean in more, checking his eyes out more closer.
"Nothing." I back my head up again, clearing my throat. "I'm gonna go get some alcohol, so um- Yeah bye." I hurry away from him, not catching his answer.

I see a wine bottle lying in a bucket of ice, so I grab it and start chucking it down in place. I just keep going, wanting to forget whatever just happened.. It felt so weird. So uncomfortable, but I wanted more. I don't understand the feeling, so I wanna forget about it through drugs and alcohol.

I keep going till i'm completely oozed out, having swapped a few different doses of drugs. Shady people, but it makes me feel good. I have a huge headache, goddamnit..

I fall down on something grey, god I can't even see straight. I hic, and then immediately get angry. Fucking hickups? Goddamnit. I need to get laid tonight I swear.. Sexual Education my ass, i'm too good for that. You know what? If Victoria doesn't want me 'impregnating' people, then i'll just fuck a dude! That'll fucking show her. Fuck yeah..

I stand up, but immediately bump into something. Someone.

"Watch it-" By my vision, I can tell it's a man. Perfect chance. "Heeeeyyy," hic, "You down for some fun?" Basic as fuck Clyde, ew..
"Hey- I wanted to check up on you, it's been 2 hours- Wait what?"
"No need to hurry-" I push this person against some grey thing, maybe a tomb? Looks like it lol. Pinning them to it, not letting them go. "You're a man right? Greattt.."
"What?" I can't hear what he said after that, but I grab his hand, dragging him with me.
"I'm looking to get fucking laid, okay? I don't give a fuck who you are, I just need a man right now. So, bring me somewhere." I hic a little here and there, but they grasp my hand back, and start pulling me somewhere. I smirk, letting anything happen. I'm down for anything right now.. God i'm so smart.

"Whaugh-?" I feel something tingling around my legs, and i'm figuring it's my pants going down. Blowjob? I'll take that from anyone.. But I need more. The person grasps my dick, and I let out a nervous gasp. God, i'm gonna fucking bottom.. Haha, how unusual.. I'm excited.

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