High Sex

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Clyde's POV - Somewhere Around The Graveyard


I hic, feeling the wet mouth of some guy on my neck. I keep nervously gasping or laughing, and I sound so faggy.. Eugh, might be one.. Eeww Clyde, stop it. Having sex with a man ain't bad..

"Haha,.." I laugh again, feeling their hot tongue graze my neck. Hickeys, fucking nice. I hic, and I hear them giggle. "What?! Don't I taste good enough?!" I let out, but they don't answer. They just lick my neck harder, and I don't protest. They put their hands on my waist, feeling around it as if they're giving me a message. So, I moan, a physical response. Nothing weird, goddamnit.. They suddenly stop licking my neck, and just feels on my waist for a couple of moments. I moan at each touch, being high makes touch way more sensitive, like everywhere, alright? Some weird disease..

They put a cold hand on my neck, and I tense up, including my waist. My back arches, and they laugh again, louder this time. I just groan, tired of their playing around with my sensitive spots. They keep feeling my waist, and I can't even look forward.. I close my eyes, as to fix my vision at all. At this point i'm letting anything happen to me.

They then remove their hands, only to put them on my dick again. Was it fucking hanging out? Funny.. Haha. This time they actually move their hand though, back and forth.. I moan, and they get faster. I open my eyes, the light of the bright moon blinding me. I close them again, focusing on the feeling of their soft hands cupping my dick.

"Mm.. Ngh-!" I suddenly moan at the feeling of something wet, i'm guessing that's their mouth.. Warm, and very tight. Feels very easy to slide into.. This might be the most satisfying sex i've ever had, or i'm just too fucking high for this shit.

They take my entire length, and I dig my nails into the thing i'm leaning onto, to resist the urge of grabbing their head and pushing it down.

"Mm-.." My tones wary, as their mouth is turning me on in so many ways. Whoever this is, I need more of them. I need to be with them when i'm not high- Holy shit.. Wait, it's literally a man, the fuck am I thinking about?

I keep hiccuping, to the point where it's getting intense.

"Wherever the fuck we are, I wanna go somewhere private. I need to be inside you if you're this good." I'm a cocky guy, sure, and even when i'm high, i'll say shit like this.

I feel my hand being taken, and in a matter of seconds i'm in a warm contraption, and lying down on a bed. Power of being high I guess..

They climb on top of me, and I feel them grabbing my dick yet again. What the fuck is going on bro.. This time I feel them positioning themselves.

"What're you doing- Ngh-.." My dick is trapped inside something warmer, and way tighter. They've been quiet this entire time, but now they let out a pretty loud moan. It sounded nice.. Very high-pitched for a man.

I put a light grasp on their hips, but let them move around themselves. They seem to be doing a good job, cause my dick feels fucking great. I hear their heavy breath, maybe this is a first time?

"It's okay, you're in a safe situation, swear." It sounded way too sincere for it to be me saying it, but it was. I hear a quick gulp from them, which triggers a hic from me. This is gonna be a long night..


I wake up to see my body drenched in sweat, in my own room. I don't live far away from the graveyard, so I guess Craig helped me. Must've, right? I don't remember anything from yesterday, so i'm guessing I got high and Craig dragged me home. He's tired of my bullshit i'm sure..

I stand up from the bed, stretching my legs. I feel a sudden pain in my legs, but choose to ignore it. I walk over to my mirror, to check out any new pimples I might've gotten. I love popping them, I know it's bad..

But instead, I see fucking hickey marks on my neck-? Wait, WHAT THE FUCK—

Okay, calm down. What happened yesterday? Uhh, Sexual Education, Tolkien fight, graveyard, weird interaction with Tolkien.. WEIRD INTERACTION WITH TOLKIEN, THAT'S IT! He made me think of fucking a dude, so I got high enough to do it. That's probably what happened.

(He did infact not bottom.)

Fuck. Who though? Only people from our school go to the graveyard, plus some older people.. But that's the only people that know about the meetups. Wait, did that person help me home? They must've known my home then-! But it could've been Craig.. He could've found me lying somewhere. Like I said, I don't remember anything. God, this is frustrating. It could be anyone, how was I even sure it was a man? I just thought it out to be- Ew, having sex with a man? I'm not gay. It was probably a girl.

I decide to just text Craig for a meet up.


"Hey Craig.." I sigh, I had to rush over here, and I was already tired from all that thinking. We're at out local bar. People think i'm 21 here, how'd I get that past here? It's only one year, so whatever.

"You look tired."
"I need your help.." I slur out, and he scoffs.
"Wasn't yesterday night enough?"
"I fucked you-?"
"What- Ew! No. But you haven't covered up the hickeys on your neck, I can see them."
I look down, and mumble some swears under my breath, "How did I fucking forget that.."
"Tell me what troubles you."
"I don't know who I fucked."
"And? I fuck random people on campus all the time, I don't know them."
"No, like, I didn't see who it was."
"Woah, haha, were you that fucking stoned?"
"Well what's so bad? They probably won't mind, you were obviously high."
"No, dude, I fucked a dude. I think."
He starts laughing, "Are you serious?"
"He might ruin my reputation, i'm not fucking gay!"
"You're talking to a gay person."
"Well you're a whore, so."
"Meh. Nah, i'm just hot."
"Seriously though, people might think i'm gay."
"Okay, how do you want me to figure out who you fucked?"
"I don't fucking know? I called you because you're my best friend."
"Ugh, god, you're stressing me.."
"Help me, Craig."
"Being gay won't be so bad! And if you care so much, just tell people you're not gay if they ask?"
"But I wanna know who I fucked."
"It's all about that, isn't it?"
"What if it's like- Fucking Jimmy?"
"Do you think Jimmy can ride dick?"
"If he wanted to, yeah."

Craig snickers, and I connect the dots.

"YOU FUCKED JIMMY?" I give him a concerned look, and he keeps snickering.
"Y-Yeah, I did-" He says in between laughs.
"You're such a whore, I hate you." He keeps laughing, and I tap my foot.
"Childish." I murmur, and he ignores it, laughing.

"Figure out for me, aight?"
"I'll ask around."
"What- No?"
"Then what do I do, dickmaster?"
"Uughhhh.." I scratch my forehead, thinking deeply. "I'll just see if any guy acts weird around me. I'll go around our age-group, if i'm lucky it's one of them."
"Great idea, lemme know how that goes." He scrolls on his phone. I stand up and leave the place.

Goddamnit.. What help he was.

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