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Adrenaline courses through Charles' veins as he speeds down the straight. His hands held a firm grip on the steering wheel, as if it would run away. He felt the G- force pierce through him, he was sure he'd fly away if he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. His heartbeat sped faster than his race car, the anticipation of winning growing by the second.

His sixth win is in reach; and at the beginning of the season.

I might just have a shot at the championship.

He decides not to get ahead of himself and focus on the track in front of him instead. One last straight he needs to travel, mere seconds from the finish line.

He catches a glimpse of red pulling beside him snapping him out of his thoughts.


The car beside him activates DRS and pushes hard on the throttle, an attempt at overtaking.

Charles pushes harder.

The car beside him inches slowly in front before dipping in front of Charles, swerving to block off any attempts from Charles to take back his position. And in the blink of an eye, Carlos had overtaken Charles and now speeding down the straight in front.

No, no, no, no

The chequered flag waves in front. He feels a surge of disappointment pulse through his body as well as hints of anger. His first win of the season thrown away because he wasn't focusing. He only has himself to blame for a mistake like that.

"That's P1 Carlos" comes through Carlos's radio as he crosses the white line.

He feels an empowering burst of confidence and happiness. Only the kind that winning at the beginning of the season provided. He felt the sweat of the racing and nervousness drop down his face. He tried to hide his immense excitement on the radio.

"Another smooth operation, he's a smooth operator, smooth oper-" he began singing his hype song as a way to truly infer how much this win meant to him.

A small chuckle was heard from the other side of the radio, "That's enough thank you Carlos."

He and Charles both went to park their cars in the designated spots before getting out.

Charles takes off his helmet and balaclava to reveal his sweat glistening face,"Nice job, mate."

He tries to hide his bitterness to congratulate his teammate.

Carlos does the same, revealing a wide smile on his face, "You too, eh"

Carlos goes to fulfilll the journalists never ending questions, but his mind was too preoccupied with the satisfaction of winning to care.

Charles on the other hand, found it much harder to try and hide the bitterness in his tone, but alas he must've succeeded at it if none of the journalists showed any particular signs in their expression when talking to him.

After they had both finished their interviews, they went to the cooldown room to take a break before the podium celebrations started. It just so happened that Lando was also there, his expression wearing one of tiredness and excitement at the same time.

His eyes dart towards both of them, widening his smile.

"Nice job mate, you deserve it," he says, shaking Carlos's hand.

The both of them continue talking for a while. Charles wasn't eager on talking much, so he stayed quiet for the most part, observing.

He notices the happiness in Carlos when he's talking to Lando. The kind of happiness only he can bring to Carlos. The kind of laugh only Lando can bring out in Carlos. The genuine one.


Finally, they go out to the podium celebrations.

Standing on the step, Charles saw all of the gleeful faces staring up at him from below, easing him slightly.

Finally, they pick up the champagne bottles. Being Bahrain, the champagne was replaced with rose water, not quite offering the satisfactory pop and spraying. Alas, they managed to make it work.

Charles attacks Carlos with rose water, drenching his suit in coldness. He lets out a sound mixed with laughing and pain. He still manages to retort back and attack both Lando and Charles with his.

They both turn to face Charles, teaming up on him with the rose water. It absolutely drenches him in coldness but still feels refreshing.

He thinks he can let go of his disappointment for now.

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