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Charles keeps the lead for the most part of the race. His heart is bursting through his chest. He has another chance to win and this time, he won't fuck it up. No, he has his full focus on the race.

Mere seconds behind him in second is Carlos. How ironic

He catches a glimpse of red pulling beside him.

He can't let Carlos win again.

Behind him in third is Lando. If he can just push harder on the throttle he can overtake Carlos at this turn.

Come on, come on

He feels the steering wheel in front of him loosen. The brakes are stiff.

No no no

Everything's a sudden blur. His cars front wing is absolutely demolished, pieces of debris chipping off. His head is pounding, it feels like it's going to explode. To add to the Australian heat, the car is an absolute furnace after the crash.

A familiar voice breaks the silence on Carlos's radio,"Yellow flag Sainz"

"For who."


Carlos's heart beat increases, his breathing slightly heavier, "is he okay?"

"We'll give you updates once we get confirmation"

His grip tightens. Just focus on the race Sainz, he's probably okay.

Finally, for what after feels like a century, a voice is heard, "Yes he is Carlos"

He sighs in relief.

He sees a blue car emerge next to him, snapping him back to reality. He quickly presses on the throttle, he can't fuck up this race.

Finally, the chequered flags wave in front.

He's glad he was able to focus in time, he can't let other people get in his way of focusing on racing. He mentally scolds himself before going to park his car.

A gleeful voice is heard from Charles's radio, "Well done Charles that's p1"

He feels an overwhelming of happiness, "LETS GO BABY"

He parks his car alongside Sainz. Taking off his helmet, he goes to greet Carlos with a wide smile that ought to leave a mark forever.

"Well done mi amigo," says Carlos, going to hug Charles, his sweat smeared face going to rest on Charles's shoulder.

Charles cant help but notice the worrying tone in his voice, "You too"

They finish their media then head to the cooldown room with Max. He doesn't look best pleased with today's results but still smiles when they come in.

It's quiet for the most part inside, the occasional sip of water interrupting. The main source of sound is from the big screen replaying the crash. It looks quite severe yet luckily most of the impact isn't that affecting for the driver.

Charles's eyes glance around the room until he catches Carlos's eyes. He can see a glint of emotion in them.

What is it?

Hurt, nervousness, concern?


They head out for the podium celebrations.

He sees his team cheering from below, happiness and pride written all over their faces.

And although the joy is enormous, he can't help but feel concerned for his teammates behavior.

He decides to check on him later.

The champagne bursts open.

Max and Carlos exchange mischievous grins and looks glancing back at Charles.

He feels the smile leave his face as they start attacking him viciously.

It feels en-thrilling.


On his way back to his drivers room, he catches Carlos entering Lando's Driver Room, his face bearing an expression of worry. Charles decides to stay to catch up with his teammate once he exits.

But no longer does he enter than immediately leave, tears welling up in his eyes.

Charles feels a wave of sadness crash over him.

What did lando say to him?

Why was he crying?

He diverts his gaze and mentally makes a note to check on his teammate later.

Preferably in private.

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