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Charles tried to avoid Carlos as much as possible in the upcoming weeks, too embarrassed of what he had done in Canada to face him. It didn't help though considering they were teammates and had to act like it. It also didn't help that they were also meant to be dating.

Not a very good way to keep it up.

He thought about playing it cool and just saying it was for the plan, and the fact he was drunk. But he just couldn't come to terms with that.

Carlos on the other hand, seemed totally fine. He made talk with Charles whenever he could, sat near him on the plane, talked with him during the debriefs. Charles envied how he could move on from things so easily. But the truth was, Carlos was burning on the inside. Every time he saw Charles, his stomach did backflips. Everything about Charles just suddenly seemed so..


The way he smiled. The way he laughed. The way his hair looked as he arrived in the paddock. The way his eyes would glow under the sun. The was his dimples curved into his face. The way he spoke. The way he-

"Right and Carlos you'll be starting first," Silvia's voice brought him out of his trance. They had to film a media video here in Silverstone- though they weren't sure why the UK would be an interesting place to film media for. It was a c2 challenge - which they had gotten quite used to - with the game never have I ever.

Carlos thought for a moment about his options before speaking. He decided if he was going to be tortured with media, might as well have some fun with it, "Never have I ever blacked out at a party before."

Charles felt a flush creep up his neck at the mention of the party, but he fought it back and put a finger down.

"Never have I ever..," Charles thought as well, he decided to return the same energy, "Kissed one of my friends sober."

Carlos's eyes widened for a brief second, the memories of Charles's lips on his. They felt so soft, so warm, so- he put a finger down and began with the next question, "Never have I ever had to carry someone home from a club."

Charles raised an eyebrow. His eyes grew wide as he saw Carlos put a finger down. Wait- had Carlos really carried Charles home. No- it must of been someone else, surely.


"Right I think we have enough content for this one, thank you everyone!" Silvia's words broke Charles's train of thought. Probably for the better.

They part their ways, both (mainly Charles) a bit too flushed to speak to each other now.


There it is. Half a lap away from winning. Carlos's feet press harder on the throttle, gloves dripping with sweat. Instead of the car speeding up, it slowed down. His eyes widened in panic as he saw the cars pass in front.

"what's happening," his voice came panicking through the radio.

"Mechanical issue sainz, we need to retire."

His grip around the steering wheel hardened, parking the car in the pit lane near him. His eyes stung but he fought back the tears. He got out of the car, not daring to face anyone. He didn't even take his helmet off before making his way to his driver's room. He swallowed the thick lump in his throat, shutting the door behind him.

He wasn't even able to make it to the massage table before he collapsed, tears streaming down his face.

Why was everything like this.

Why did every win have to be thrown away by some issue.

Why was everyone around him so perfect and him rubbish at everything.

He finally pulled off the helmet, allowing him to breathe properly. He let his head fall back on the door, using as support.

"Carlos?" A soft voice interrupted his quiet sobbing.


Carlos didnt respond.

"Can you let me in?"

No response.

Charles sighed, sliding his back down the door to be sat opposite Carlos. They stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, Carlos's hyperventilating the only sound in the air.

"Why am I like this," he blurted out.

Charles's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Why can't anything ever go my way," he broke into sobs, "Why is every win always out of my reach. Why is everyone around me so perfect. Why am I so rubbish. Why does every person I love never love me back."

Charles felt himself break at hearing his teammate in this condition, "Carlos you are not rubbish," he tried to offer the little comfort that he could, "and you are not to blame for what the team fucks up."

Carlos's sobs stopped for a moment, his shoulders relaxing slightly against the door frame. Charles thought he had managed to break the wall between them, but no longer did Carlos relax did he tense up again.

"Can you go?" Asked Carlos, head buried between his knees.

Charles sighed, not being able to comfort his friend. Alas, he did as he was told, leaving Carlos a mess in his driver's room.

So much for opening up.


The next time Charles would see him would be in Maranello a week later. Charles had arrived to the factory in a much better shape than last time. Glancing around the factory to find Carlos, he caught his eye and he seemed to be fine. He was chatting with one of the engineers and he seemed.. perfectly normal? While Charles did envy Carlos's ability to move on from things quickly, it didn't seem like this was moving on.

It was bottling up.

He didn't want to ask Carlos as he made it clear at the track that he's not quite trustful of Charles yet.

Or at least isn't ready to open up yet.

It was 2 weeks until the summer break, which meant 2 weeks until the cruise. Something Charles and Carlos were not very keen on going to.    

Debrief ended and they were on another (this time shorter) flight over to Hungary.


The race went okay for Ferrari, ending with Charles coming P4 and Carlos coming P5. Carlos played with the radio wires for the majority of the video, Charles doing most of the talking. They finished filming their video for the fans and went back to the motorhomes to pack up and go home.

On Carlos's return, he felt a ring in his pocket. Opening it to see who texted him, he groaned at the message from Lando.

Lando: k remember the cruise
Lando: well i bought the tickets and its from the 6th to the 9th in Monaco.
Lando: cya there
Carlos: thx ill be sure to tell Charles

He in-fact was not looking forward to telling Charles they were going to be stuck together on a ship for 2 nights.

But he did, and Charles's reaction was not very better than his, tensing up at the mention of it.

"So how do we meet, if we want t0 keep up the couple illusion," asked Carlos, taking a seat in Charles's drivers room (knowing it was the only time they were going to be able to talk about it).

"You can come back with me to Monaco if you want, I have a guest room," suggested Charles, fidgeting with his fingers.

"It's okay I can take a flight over the night before, I'll just sleep when we get there," responded Carlos, "I'll just meet you at your apartment."

"Okay sounds good," said Charles, desperately wanting to end the conversation.

A bad idea since both of them had very limited knowledge of what they were actually going to do.

And that was very clear when Carlos arrived like a shit-wreck at Charles's apartment.

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