Fake Boyfriends

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"Fake boyfriends"

Carlos lifted his head to look Charles straight in the eyes, confusion written all over his face.


Charles burst out laughing.

"Mate, Lando likes you as well, he just doesn't know it," he managed to choke out between his laughter," being your 'boyfriend' will only help him see how much he does love you."

And although his friend's expression was still flabbergasted, he lowered his head back down to his lap.

"So what do we do as 'boyfriends'" he said,  slightly fidgeting with his hands.

"Acting affectionate in front of the drivers, specifically lando," said Charles, hair entangling Carlos's hair," flirting, arriving together, all that lovey dovey shit."

"Fine, I guess it can't do much harm if it's only in public," Carlos replied, yawning.

"You should go, it's getting late," Charles spoke as he checked the time.

"Yeah thanks for today," he replied, "until we see again mi amigo"

After Charles closed the door, he felt a swarm of thoughts at once.

What the fuck did he just agree too?

Oh why did he agree to be his fake boyfriend?

Why did he even think of being his fake boyfriend?

"It can't do much harm if it's only in public"

Yeah, Carlos is right. It can't do much harm if it's only in public.

He went to throw away the pizza boxes and put away his console.

Even if he'd just woken up, he decided it was better to sleep through the current situation he'd created.

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