Too much to say

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And that was very clear when Carlos arrived like a shit-wreck at Charles's apartment.

His eyes had puffy black patches underneath them. Ruffled and greasy, his hair laid flat on his head, unlike its usual swept back position. His clothes (which were a white tee and black jacket) were extremely creased, slight bits of skin exposed as it wasn't tucked in properly. Overall, he looked like shit.

"Oh my god Carlos," Charles gasped at the horrid sight of his teammate, "Are you alright?" He moved aside to let Carlos through the door.

"Yeah I'm fine, now come on let's get some stuff ready," replied the older one, yawning and stretching.

"Absolutely not."

Carlos raised an eyebrow, turning to face Charles, "What do you mean? We have to get ready."

"Not with you looking like this," argued Charles, "Come, I'll show you where you can sleep."

"Charles I swear I'm fi-"

"No you are not, Carlos," he cut him off, "You are to get some sleep or we're not going, and I'm not sure that's a very good impression."

"But Charles," Carlos tried to argue back, being cut off by Charles once again.

"Carlos are you coming or will I have to drag you by the feet."

Groaning, the Spaniard trailed behind Charles, following him nonetheless. He led him towards a big bedroom - presumably his - and opened the door for Carlos to enter.

The room was quiet spacious, dim sunshine offering little light to the bedroom. A large, king bed laid in the middle of the room, unmade duvets drooping over the edges. A pile of clothes - again, presumably Charles's - were tossed at its feet.

"I haven't set up the guest room because I didn't expect for you to arrive like this," began Charles, "So you can just have my bed."

"Charles I swear it's oka-"

"Do you want me to push you backwards on the bed?"

Deciding there was no winning this argument, he plopped backwards on the bed, landing with a loud thud. Charles let out a laugh, earning a side eye from the other one.

"Mate are you really going to sleep in jeans now? You won't get any sleep," giggled Charles, "Here take these."

He turned to the closet, Carlos not quite sure what he was looking for. Turning back to face Carlos, he tossed him a pair of sweatpants, "Here, these are much more comfortable."

He took the clothes with a groan, stripping down from his jeans. Feeling his cheeks fill with a shade of Ferrari, Charles quickly turned back to face the closet.

"I'll - just um.. get packing," he stuttered.

Carlos raised an eyebrow while putting on his sweats, but alas he was too tired due to his lack of sleep to question anything. He pulled up the sheets to his nose, head on pillow. He took in the scent of the sheets, they were so..


He ended up drifting off to sleep not long after, tiredness overwhelming him.

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