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There's no more stars to find, and I'm too far behind,

And I'd love to let you go, I'd love to let you go,

You're all that's on my mind, when i called a thousand times,

And id love to let you go, but i love you more and more than you could know,

- 6.18.18, Billie Eilish


"And what if I tell Lando," Oscar managed to choke out, the thought of his boyfriend crossing his mind. Something that had managed to slip his thoughts during all the shock.

Stopping for a brief moment, he turned to face Oscar, a fake pout tugging at his lips, "Do it." And with that, the pout reformed to a sly grin, "But you wouldn't want the whole grid finding out I stole your virginity, would you?"

Oscar's eyes blew open, stuttering over his words before managing to blurt out, "How would you know I was a virgin!?"

"Shush cabron," Carlos hissed, "Someone can hear you. And the reason I know is because you told me, estupido."

Looking confused for a minute, the Aussie searched his brain for a reason as to why he would tell Carlos, or when, or how for matter of fact. Seeing the confusion spluttered on the younger's face, the Spaniard clarified, "The night, I asked you after we finished-"

The thought of what they did that night made Oscar want to puke, the blood in his face retracting immediately into an extreme pale.

"if you had done this before, and you shook your head."

Regaining his thoughts, the Aussie hissed, "You wouldn't dare," his back straightening up against the wall.

"Watch me," and with that, he walked through the door.

"Fine! I won't tell Lando, just please don't tell anyone," he made sure to whisper the last part.

Head turning to shoulder, Carlos whispered loudly, "Good, now if you don't mind me I'll be taking a walk around the ship, need to get some fresh air."

Oscar had to bite back a snarky remark, instead opting for, "I think I've lost my enthusiasm to do that, I'll just get going back to my hotel room."

"Better for me."

A smirk played on Carlos's lips the entire journey, satisfied with the plan he had come up with during the span of the last hour. As he approached a silver railing, his hands leaned to rest on the metal bars, observing the beautiful and breath taking scene below.

The sun's deep orange hue painted the rather dim blue sky, igniting it with a similar fire that boiled within Oscar. Its luminous, ambient yellows stung across the deep blues of the ocean, offering light and refuge to the animals below, including the Aussie who indulged in it from his room, emotions blue as the ocean overflowing within him.

He could never escape Carlos, no matter how hard he tried. He would forever be the flame to his candle, burning him until he has no more to give. Always seeing how far their relationship can bend before it snaps and breaks. He would forever be the sun to his moon, a mere reflection of something better, always overshadowed.

Always a choice to Carlos, never the chosen. Why would he choose Oscar, why would anybody love him. In fact, Oscar had believed that he himself was unlovable, too stoic, until he found Lando - the only person who loved him no matter what.

But now, Carlos was trying to take it all away, and it seemed his plan was working. It wouldn't take long for him to lure back Oscar's heart into his hands, because the truth was, the attraction Oscar had felt for Carlos never faded, only placed aside.

The faster he could get Oscar to run back to him, the faster he'd have Lando.

And if one thing was sure about Carlos, he's willing to give up everything if he wants something.

Or someone, in Lando's case.


When Carlos got back to his hotel room, he found Charles laid out on the snow mattress, fast asleep and clearly exhausted. The Spaniard couldn't help but melt at the sight, moving over to pull the blanket over the Monegasque's body.

Flopping down onto a couch, it didn't take long for Carlos to fall asleep too, the bright sun now replaced with the waning crescent. Much in contrast, Oscar stayed awake, eyes blown open and staring at the ceiling. He hated lying to Lando like this, but was it really lying if Lando hadn't asked?

The Brit in question was currently lying next to him, curdled up into a small ball and snoring away in his fantasies; his innocent understanding of the world acting against him in this situation. Similarly, Charles laid sprawled out against the soft bed, distant from the cruel reality he lived in.

"You can go in now Charles," the nurse stated as she exited the hospital room.

Though maybe the reality he was envisioning currently was even worse.

Looking up from his intertwined fingers, Charles offered a worried look, his entire body shaking with fear and nervousness. Approaching the door, the boy slowly opened the door, careful not to disturb his exhausted father.

It pained him seeing his dad, his caregiver, his idol, in this condition. Tied up in wires and injections, on a hospital bed like this.

"Charles" his dad's thick accent spoke, opening his heavy eyelids to better look at his son, "How are you doing?"

Charles nodded his head. "Fine, came here to see you," he said taking a seat next to his dad, Hérve, "the doctors said you don't have much time left..." he could barely say the last words, eyes welling up with tears and throat thickening as he spoke them.

He placed his hand in his father's, the comforting touch something he'd miss forever, a touch and comfort nobody else would ever give him.

"Charles, Charles, are you okay?" A familiar voice brought him out of his nightmare. He turned over to his side which he had switched to during his sleep, opening his eyes to find tears spilling through his green pupils. The Spaniard was sitting on the edge of the bed, concern written all over his face.

"It's fine Carlos, go back to sleep," he choked out, voice coming through shaky and unstable.

Without saying anything, Carlos moved over to lay next to Charles, embracing him in a tight hold. The younger one buried his face into the crook of the other's neck, inhaling his sweet musk. Allowing the tears to spill, Charles instinctively tangled their legs together to get into a more comfortable position, unaware of what he was doing; for once, allowing his emotions to take over.

The closest touch he might get to his father's was his mother's.

And a new contender, Carlos.

A/N: this week was an emotional rollercoaster 🥲. I have an amazing friend, users F1lover44, who I'm scared to lose. I just wanted them to know, if they're reading this story, that I hope they stay. Thank you all for your support in my original note which was somehow deleted, they've really helped both of us. And so without Lazavana/ laz, I wouldn't be writing this and wouldn't be here right now, and I hope her condition gets better. Thank you all, and until next chapter.

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