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He did in fact not check on his teammate afterwards.

The only time he managed to see him was on the paddock and in media, and he was not keen on discussing mental health in either places.

The Suzuka GP had rolled along not long after.

Knowing his PR team and being Japan, it was quite likely they would have to film media.

Just as predicted, they did in fact film media.

It was a calligraphy challenge which meant a lot of ink and messiness.

"Pa pa ta ta ta"

"You know you look ridiculous doing that right?"

"Shut up it works," retorted Carlos, "Wait I think I forgot."

Charles broke out into laughter.

"Mate I told you it wouldn't work" he choked out between his laughter.

Carlos tried to peer over Charles's paper.

"Hey let me see!"

"No! You try and do it"

Carlos grabbed the calligraphy pen and smeared it on Charles's paper.

"Oh so you want to play dirty huh? Well two can play that game"

He grabbed his pen and smeared it on Carlos's hand.

Carlos let out a fake dramatic gasp before attacking Charles's face.

The younger boy wasted no time in doing the same with even larger of a smear.

It broke out into total chaos.

"Right that's enough boys go clean yourselves up"

Charles couldn't help but smile.

It was nice seeing his teammate, and friend, happy.


The race was disappointing to say the least.

Charles had gotten a p4, barely missing out on the podium, with Carlos behind him in fifth.

And to make matters worse, the debrief that followed was excruciating.

It wasn't even a debrief, more like the engineers telling the drivers how everything was their fault.

Safe to say neither Charles nor Carlos gave a shit about their opinions.

Finally, debrief was over and they could both go home.

Charles thought about checking up on his teammate, but he was already tired enough and quite frankly would rather rot in bed for the next ten hours.

So with that, Charles drifted off to sleep, making yet again another mental note (which of course he would forget) to check up once again on his teammate.

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