Double Date

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Charles: Pierre i think I fucked up
Pierre: tf u did this time
Charles: agreeing to be Carlos's fake boyfriend
Pierre: yeah mate u fucked up big time
Charles: SO?
Pierre: what u want me to do
Charles: HELP ME?
Pierre: I'm not a therapist Charles
Charles: va te faire foutre

Charles slammed his phone down in frustration.

Looks like he's on his own for this one

It was the Monday after the Grand Prix and most of the drivers were still here.

Time to get things moving; the faster he makes Lando admit his feelings to Carlos the less he has to be his boyfriend.

And what better way to do that than a double date.

He picked his phone.

Charles: hey mate, wanna go out today
Lando: sure what time
Charles: dinner would be good
Charles: i was wondering though, how about u bring Oscar
Lando: why
Charles: well i mean u two are dating
Lando: HOW
Charles: Carlos told me
Lando: u and Carlos don't even talk
Charles: were dating
Lando: lol imagine
Charles: I'm serious Lando
Charles: yes now r u bringin Oscar or should i call of the double date
Lando: fine yeah sure
Charles: k I'll text u the address

Please don't be a dumb idea.

He goes to text yet another person.

He really is on a texting spree.

Charles: mate so this may be the best or worst idea I've ever come up with
Carlos: what did u do
Charles: i made plans for a double date with lando and Oscar
Carlos: u made plans with the person I'm hopelessly in love with it
Charles: I know but it's the best way for him to realize how much he likes u
Charles: the problem is acting like a couple tho
Carlos: leave it to me I'm an expert at flirting

Charles rolled his eyes at the message.

Charles: I'll come pick u up at 7, k
Carlos: okay see u mon camiro

His eyes dart to the time


He decides to play a game to pass the time.


After a couple of rounds, it was 6 and he needed to get ready.

He quickly sent Lando the address before hopping in the shower.

He decided on wearing his most flattering clothes (the sluttiest) so that Lando could really see who he was missing Carlos out on.

That fit being a white button up, keeping the first 2 open and a pair of jeans.

He decided he'd keep his silly jeans for another day.

He quickly styled his hair before checking Carlos's room number. On the same floor, better for me.

He knocked twice on the door before it opened.

Carlos was wearing a white vest with a button up shirt over it, all undone and a pair of denim jeans.

His hair was damp from the shower, Charles had never seen him so dressed up before.

And he would be lying if he said he didn't look hot.

"Ready to go, mon amour?"

"Yes mi querido"

They arrived at the place at exactly 7. The traffic was a pain in the ass so it took them about 30 minutes to arrive.

The restaurant was dimly lit, candles and roses at every table.

A bit too romantic for the occasion.

Beautiful paintings hung on the walls, the ceramic floors blinding whoever steps on them.

Their eyes searched the restaurant for Lando and Oscar.

Lando was endlessly conversing, or rather telling, with Oscar. Upon noticing them, he quickly gestured over to the table, "Over here!"

Charles grabbed Carlos's hand, who didn't protest, to take them over.

They sat in front of them, Lando facing Charles and Oscar facing Carlos.

It was safe to say that Oscar and Carlos were unhappy with this arrangement.

Especially after their on track banter.

The silence was most definitely not awkward; so of course Carlos wasn't thankful when the waiter came.

Lando being the picky eater he is, ordered chicken nuggets.

Oscar ordered the shrimp; specifically because Lando would try and steal his food later and he hates seafood

Carlos ordered the grilled chicken, and Charles being the basic bitch he is, ordered pasta.

"So when did you two start dating?" asksed Lando with a mouth full of chicken.

"Recently actually," replied Charles, not wanting to say they started fake dating a week ago, "how about you two?"

"Last season actually, around October."

Charles picked up on the hurt in Carlos's eyes.

He dropped his hand to grip Carlos's, trying to comfort him.

And also keep up the illusion.

It must've worked because he felt Carlos relax into the touch.

At this point, Carlos had gotten fed up with all the small talk and decided to take things a step further.

A little more dangerous.

He wore a smug smile, "Here try this mon carino"

Charles tried to grab his fork but Carlos shook his head.

He lifted the fork up to Charles's mouth and slowly fed him, making sure he savored every moment of it.

Both Lando and Oscar looked very taken back, but neither Carlos nor Charles payed any attention to it.

Taking the fork out of his mouth, he lent into his ear, a seductive tone coating his lips.

"So what do you think, amor?"

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