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Me and Cato run back to our campsite and grabs our gear mid-run. Glimmer and Marvel hustle behind us as me and Cato race.

"You're not beating me!"

I pass him quickly by jumping over a fallen tree easily. I laugh back at him as he struggles to keep up. I hear Glimmer and Marvel behind us yelling for us.

"Fire!" Cato yells back. When we're in the perimeter of them I stop at a tree. Cato comes behind me and smirks. We wait for Glimmer and Marvel and then we walk up behind them.

Cato pulls out his sword and tosses it to Glimmer. I turn my back to go back to our campsite as the girl screams and the sound of a canon flies out. Marvel catches up with me and we laugh.

Cato and Glimmer join us once they're done, also laughing.

"Wait did you see the look on her face?" Marvel says to me.

"How stupid can you get?" I reply.

"Oh no! Please don't kill me!" Glimmer mocks.

"That's actually a good impression!" Cato jokes. "Hey, lover boy? You sure she went this way?"

Peeta appears slowly behind us, "Yeah I'm sure."

"You better be."

"Yeah, that was her snare we found back there."

Peeta joins us as Glimmer and Cato stay back to talk. Me and Marvel actually just stumbled upon him a few hours ago by happenstance. We were finding food, we ran into him, and he promised to help us find Katniss.

"So lover boy, was all that stuff you said in the interview the truth?" I ask.

"Umm...no, Haymitch was just desperate for sponsors."

"Haymitch?" Marvel asks.

"My mentor, winner of the 50th."

"How'd you not know that you dumbass?" I joke.

"Hey, me and my dad just watch them, we don't get emotionally connected to the tributes."

Cato and Glimmer catch up to us and he comes next to me. We all walk back to the campsite and set down all our weapons. I look in the bag I got and there was two sleeping bags.

"Here, Cato." I said, handing him the other one.


"Who's taking first watch? Not it!" Marvel says.

"I say lover boy should, he hasn't killed anyone yet." Glimmer says.

"I agree with Glim." Cato adds.

Glim? Now she has a nickname too?

"Okay, I'll take first watch."

"I'll relieve you at midnight I guess." I say, getting into my sleeping bag. Cato puts his down next to mine but goes to talk to Glimmer and Marvel. I quickly lay down and fall asleep.


Glimmer was definitely trying to get comfortable with me. She keeps trying to be around me and talk to me. I look at Clove, who's already fast asleep. Marvel and Glimmer are joking around with me but I feel the fatigue kick in.

"What about you Cato?" Marvel asks.


"You good?" Glimmer asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"We'll go ahead and sleep, I'm gonna relieve Clove at 4am."

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