🎒🗣️ - i'm so obsessed with your ex | Part 4

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Aka: the extremely stereotypical karaoke chapter.


Slightly apprehensive, Russia, China, and North Korea entered the karaoke room, wading through the sea of people whose heads were washed with purple and orange lights. Thankfully, Russia's sheer stature made it easier for him to plow through the crowd, eventually leading his friends to an empty table somewhere near the side of the stage.

Russia caught a glimpse of the back of America's head, who was apparently laughing loudly at a joke Fiji had made. America's behavior had changed - he was laughing and seemingly having a good time, but he was crossing his arms and not really saying anything to add on to the joke.

Maybe America wasn't as alright as Russia had thought.

Russia still had so much to learn about his boyfriend.

But they weren't even talking to each other right now.

America evidently felt Russia's gaze on him, and turned around. The two of them locked eyes for a moment, and palpable tension filled the air between their eyes, America's electric blues and Russia's stormy grays. America broke eye contact first, rubbing the back of his neck, apparently brushing it off and telling Israel it was nothing. Russia, after a second, glanced away too, sitting down at the table with China and North Korea.

It was a fun night. The three of them ordered some meager food while chatting and enjoying the karaoke done by their other classmates. China went up once and did a rendition of "Letting Go" by Tanya Chua, making pretty much everyone shit their pants in laughter. Clearly China had never uttered a single musical note in her life.

America watched as China ran off the stage, laughing hysterically. His eyes followed China all the way back to the table where she was sitting with Russia and North Korea. Russia was laughing as hard as she was, and North was quiet like always, but his eyes glimmered with unmistakable amusement.

China hit Russia's arm, apparently in response to something he'd said, and Russia hit her back, which resulted in the two of them nonstop whacking each other's arms until Russia grabbed China's arm and shook it violently.

The sound of the two of them laughing in sync, Russia's lower, rougher guffaws accompanying China's clear, light hysterics, was a sound that America knew way too well.

Russia and America locked eyes across the room once again.

America tensed up, finding the awkwardness unbearable. Damnit, he really just wanted to talk to Russia. But what was he supposed to say? I have problems?

I have problems...



I've got issues...

His feet seemed to move on their own, and America still wasn't quite sure what he was doing. He didn't even fully know when he got to the DJ and requested the instrumental for the song he had in mind.

People seemed surprised when America got up on stage. But there was only a second of hesitation before the room broke out into enthusiastic cheers.

America saw Russia's face in the front, his surprise illuminated by the tangerine lights.

America looked back up. Maybe it would be easier to do this if he wasn't looking at Russia the whole time.

"La, da-da-da, da-da-da, la-da-da-da-da, la, da-da-da, da-da-da-ahhh!"

Russia blinked.

North Korea looked at him. "You know this song?"

"Yeah, it's one of the new Olivia Rodrigo songs. America was freaking out about it 'finally being on streaming services' when it came out and sort of forced me to listen to it." Russia recounted, a mixture of fondness and uncertainty in his voice.

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