🎒😵‍💫 - My Stomach's All In Knots | F!China x M!North Korea | Part 1

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China and North Korea's backstory let's goooo :D


"That's PAINT. How the hell does paint look so tasty?"

Upon hearing that familiar laugh, North Korea looked up from his sketchbook, eyes trailing over to the other corner of the room. China was sitting with her friends, and they were looking at something on India's phone. China grinned.

She looked like a goddess. 

North Korea's eyes trailed over her figure, from the perfectly painted nails tapping the desk she was sitting on to the loose wisp of hair that curled over her face. He had a strong urge to walk over and tuck it behind her ear.

He heard the click of a door opening, and turned to see their teacher entering the class, setting down his cup of coffee and staring at the desk with an expression of I can't believe I have to teach these goddamn hooligans again. "China, get off the desk." The teacher reprimanded, bored. Of course he was bored - this happened every class.

"Yes, yes, of course. Sorry, Mr. ASEAN." China jumped off the desk, giggling, and plopped down in her own seat, crushing her pleated skirt in the chair.

"You're such a delinquent, Chi," China's ex-boyfriend and best friend, Russia, commented nonchalantly, leaning back. "How dare you sit on a table? Don't you know you're blocking other people?"

"Barely!" China shot back. "You block people when you sit in a normal chair. Actually, I think you'd still block people if you sat on the floor."

"Less work for me." Russia stuck his tongue out.

"How does that even-"

"Can we start with the lesson, please?" Mr. ASEAN hit the whiteboard with a marker a few times, face pinched.

China laughed again - that bright, tinkling laugh that always sent North Korea's stomach backflipping off of Janggun Peak. He looked down at his notebook, trying not to seem visibly flustered.

Whatever. Lesson time.

North Korea swore he felt someone's eyes flicking over him at some point, but he had no idea who it was.

He tried to focus on the lesson. Something about a thing called "Vieta's Theorem." He took notes almost mechanically, remembering anything but not really caring at all.

His eyes drifted over to China a few times. She actually seemed rather invested in the subject, focused on the board and asking a few questions at times.

Good for her...

North Korea just wanted to go home, curl up in his bed, and draw some fanart of his favorite fantasy series that was totally not projecting him and China onto the lovebird main characters.

The rest of class passed by in a daze, like most of North Korea's life did. When the bell finally rang, he tossed his stuff in his backpack, ready to clear out with the rest of the students before someone very loudly threw themselves into the chair in front of him.

North Korea looked up. To his surprise, it was Russia.

Russia was lazily supporting his head with an arm that was slung over the edge of his chair, staring at North Korea with a friendly but expectant face, silently saying "stay right here. I want to talk to you."

Once everyone had cleared out, North Korea fully turned towards Russia. "So..."

"Hey, my dude. Everything chill?" Russia asked brightly, offering his hand in a "man handshake." North Korea, caught off guard, lifted his hand up uncertainly, prompting Russia to grab it in a swing and shake it firmly once before letting go.

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