Chapter Fifteen: I Don't Know

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Playlist Part Fifteen:

Take Me to Church - Hozier


Percy stood to Kronos' right, the two of them placidly staring down at Hestia in her crib. Nervously, Percy watched as Kronos reached down, stroking his hand against Hestia's little cheek. The Titan King's eyes crinkled when Hestia cooed, reaching her miniature hands up toward her father.

Stooping forward, Kronos lifted Hestia out of the crib, hugging her close against his chest. His face was buried in the downy layer of hair atop her head, and he squeezed his eyes shut, a pained look on his face. "One day," he murmured lowly, his voice breaking, "-you'll understand, dear little Hestia. Until then-" he held her up, his sad gaze meeting her flame-red eyes. "-I am so, terribly, sorry."

Before Percy could process what was happening, Kronos had erupted into his divine form, golden light bearing down on the demigod-turned-Titan and the eldest Olympian. Wincing, Percy lurched backwards, throwing his arms up to cover his face and squinting his eyes to try and see what was going on.

Hestia had been reduced to a burning red light glowing in Kronos' grip, thrashing about like she was trying to flit away. In absolute horror, Percy watched, his eyes wide, as Kronos' true form brought her up to where his mouth would have been and the little light vanished, its warm glow disappearing into Kronos' golden energy.

And then, Kronos' aura was seeping back into him, and he was on his knees before Hestia's crib, gripping the wood and fighting back what sounded like a sob.

On the other side of the room, the door opened, and Oceanus grimly stuck his head in, eyeing his youngest brother sympathetically. "Is it done?"

"Yes," Kronos rasped, not looking up. "It is. Now leave me."

The door shut quietly, and only once the lock had slipped back into place did Kronos rise to his feet and round on Percy. "You aren't supposed to be here," he hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously.


Percy didn't get to finish before Kronos slammed him up against the wall, his nails digging into the younger's shoulders. "Is it that fool Hypnos?! Morpheus? Tell me, Perseus-"

His voice cut off as Percy jerked awake, shooting up in bed only to find an aggravated Kronos lying awake beside him.

"Well?" The Titan King demanded, and Percy's stomach shot up to his throat.

"Uh-" Percy scrambled to his feet, backing away as Kronos pushed himself off the bed, stalking toward the younger. "Morpheus. It's Morpheus."

"Morpheus," Kronos breathed, rage blazing in his golden eyes. "I'll kill him." He turned on his heel then, striding toward the door, only to come to a sudden stop when Percy, against his better judgment, spoke:

"You loved them."

Kronos didn't turn around. Rather, his hands fisted at his sides. "What?" His voice was deadly calm.

Swallowing, Percy took a few steps forward, wringing his hands in front of him. "You loved your children." His voice was filled with realization, the- the- the memory he'd just seen playing over and over in his head.

Faster than Percy could process, he was being shoved up against the wall by a hand around his throat, gasping for air with stars dancing in his eyes. "K-Kronos-"

The Titan King's expression was twisted with fury. "How dare you-"

Percy clawed at Kronos' grip. "K-Kronos-" He choked when the older's hold tightened, the edges of his vision hazy and black. "N-No-"

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