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The klaxon had jolted Maya awake and as she got up from her bunk the pain seared through her midsection.  Gripping the back of the chair, Maya started pushing her boots on as she forced her mind and body to focus.   'Eyes forward' had never left her brain, but because of Carina and her work with Diane, Maya had learned to not use that phrase as her go to crutch-except in extreme circumstances. 
She ran out to the landing as Beckett was reaching to slide down the fire pole.  Maya took a deep breath and followed.  She bit her lip hard when her feet hit the cushion on the bottom as the pain shot through her entire body.  'EYES FORWARD MAYA!' She screamed in her head and grabbed her turnouts as she stepped up into the Aid car.  Travis hit the lights and they sped out.
"Aid car 19, switch to channel three."
Andy's voice sounded strained as Maya and Travis gave each other a look.  Maya leaned over to switch channels and winced.  Travis' eyes opened wide.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, just a little sore from this morning.  This is Aid on three, what's up Captain?"
"Maya, Carina and Liam are fine, do you understand? I'm on the phone with her right now.  Your phone is dead, she tried to call you."
"Andy, what the hell are you talking about?"
Beside her Travis went white.
"Holy fuck, she's there on scene."
"What?! What are you talking about?"
"Maya, we are going to the farmers market, there's been a shooting."
Maya legitimately felt her entire body go cold.  She reached into her pocket and saw the black screen on her phone.  Andy's voice came over the general speaker.
"Montgomery, you and Bishop go directly to the exit area.  We have civilians there including a doctor and a baby.  Do you understand me?"
Maya was frozen, unable to move or even breathe.  Her entire body felt numb.  Travis took a sideways glance at her and hit the button for the siren, snapping Maya out of her head.  She depressed the call button.
"Understood Captain.  We will assess at the exit and then move inward to assist."
Travis was just pulling around the corner toward the parking lot when a group of young men came bolting across the street.  They were wearing camo vests, baseball hats and balaclavas.   Both Maya and Travis noticed that two were carrying semi-automatic rifles.  She switched the intercom to channel one to broadcast across the network.
"Be advised, we have just seen a group of five men, camo, baseball hats, ska masks and two with assault rifles heading away from the scene.  Spotted in the vicinity of the plaza promenade south."
She hooked the radio on the base as Travis pulled up to the exit of the marketplace.  He hadn't even put the truck in park and Maya was opening the door to jump out.  She hit the ground hard and the pain in her body exploded.  She focused herself and ignored it. 'EYES FUCKING FORWARD MAYA!' She screamed in her head. 
Entering the area, Maya's eyes darted around taking in every inch.  There were a group of people behind the flower shed, but no sign of her wife or son.  Travis was right on her heels and pushed her forward.
"Go! Find her! I've got them!"
He handed Maya her med bag and she nodded to him before she took off running.  Coming down to one of the rows of vendors, Maya noticed the sign for the couple she and Carina knew.  Maddie had her back to Maya and she could see that Terry was lying on the ground.  Maya came up behind them and as Maddie turned around, Maya blinked.  There was Liam, crying but safe.  Maddie noticed Maya and started pointing to her wife.
"Maya!  Terry is hurt!  Doctor Deluca said it's just a flesh wound and you will be able to take care of her! Please!"
Her training kicked in as Maya slid onto her knees and gently moved the cloth bag.  Terry winced in pain.
"Maya, your wife is amazing."
She pointed a finger down the row and Maya followed its track.  There, down past five bodies, was Carina, working feverishly on an elderly woman.  Maya silently offered a prayer of thanks that both her son and her wife were safe and then pushed her emotions back down.  She turned her attention back toward Terry as she opened her med bag.
"Ok, the bullet went all the way through so I've just got to pack it and tape you up so we can transport you to Grey-Sloan.  You are going to be just fine Terry, I promise."
"Doctor Deluca said the same thing.  You guys are just my heroes.  Thanks Maya."
Maya smiled and finished dressing the wound.  She peeled her gloves off and stood up to face Maddie and her son.  Liam noticed Maya and his crying face began to smile.
"Hi buddy.  You ok?"
Maya took him from Maddie for a minute to check him over before kissing his cheek and handing him back.  He started to squirm but Maya made shushing noises as she bent down to grab her bag.
"Listen my little love, I've go to go help mama with the other people.  You stay here where it's safe, ok?  I love you my little Probie."
She turned and headed in the direction of her wife.

Carina had assessed four bodies before she came to the woman she was currently working on.  The first one was dead. As was the third one she had checked.  Her second and fourth victims had wounds similar to Terry's so Carina had created makeshift field dressings and moved on to the next. 
She would periodically look up to check on Liam and exhaled when she saw Maya come rushing into the row.  When she looked up again, her wife was holding their son and Carina smiled in spite of the situation.  The woman lying on the ground noticed.
"You have the most beautiful smile my dear.  So full of light and love, like an angel."
"Grazie Bella."
"Ohh no wonder you are so beautiful, you're Italian.  My husband took me to Italy for our anniversary just before the pandemic hit.  It was the most beautiful country I've ever seen."
"Well I won't argue with you there.  Tell me, where did you go in Italy?"
"We went to Rome and Naples, but I really liked Sicily the most. There was a town there that was just beautiful.  It was right at the base of the volcano."
"Catania.  That is my hometown actually."
"Oh my what a coincidence!  It's such a small world!  I wish my husband was here right now!"
Carina kept working but felt her heart sink.
"Does your husband not come to the market with you?"
"No dear, he passed away more than a year ago. Covid took him from me."
"I am so very sorry to hear that Bella.  How long were you married?"
"We had just celebrated fifty two years."
Carina looked up just as Maya reached her.  There was something about her wife's face that Carina couldn't quite get a feel for, but she shrugged it off, chalking it up to the situation they were in.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes Bambina, I promise you."
The elderly woman looked over at Maya and smiled.
"Tell me dear, do you know this beautiful angel who is taking care of me?"
Maya smiled back.
"Yes I do.  She's my wife."
The woman began to say something but abruptly stopped as her body began shaking. 
"She's going into V-tec.  Do you have the portable on your bag?"
"Yes, here.  I'll start a line while you get her ready."
Working in unison, Maya and Carina managed to get the elderly woman stabilized just as Warren and Beckett arrived with the gurney.  They slid the back board under her and placed her on gently.  Beckett took the IV bag from Maya as they rolled the woman away.
A quick glance around showed that all the other victims were being tended to.  Carina had streaks of blood on her hands, clothes and face.  Maya reached into her med bag and grabbed a pack of antiseptic wipes.  She took one from the package as she drew her wife close and began to wipe her cheek.
"Do you swear to me that you're not hurt?"
"Te lo prometto amore mio."
Maya grabbed Carina around the waist and pulled her close.  Carina returned the hug but just as they were about to kiss, Maya winced at the sudden squeeze.
"Maya? What's wrong?"
"Nothing.  I'm just sore from this morning.  Now I need you to baciami."
Carina took a long look at Maya before she did as she had been asked.

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