"I'm Making You Wait"

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"Un giorno sarai un fratello maggiore..."
Maya heard Carina's voice as she woke up. Hearing Carina speak Italian had been a turn on for Maya right from the start and as time had gone on, she never gave up trying to learn. Recently it had clicked and Maya loved seeing Carina's eyes light up when she got it right.
"Non vedo l'ora di vederti incinta."
Maya opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Carina with happy tears holding Liam.
"Bambina, you're awake finally. We were wondering when you would come back to us already."
"Yeah, I'm sorry my love."
"Basta Maya, we can talk about that later. Liam has to get home soon so let's just enjoy our time together."
Carina brought Liam over to the bed and laid him down by Maya's side.
"Hey Probie, I've missed you so much buddy. I hope you've been being good for mama. Because I know she's pretty mad at me right now. So I need you to be extra good, ok?"
Liam kicked his arms and legs and let off a string of raspberries at hearing Maya's voice. Both women smiled and looked at each other. Maya held her hand over Liam allowing him to grab her fingers.
"So he's really ours now?"
"Si, we just have to sign the papers and do the final interview. I got a call from CPS that Nanette's parents signed the documents about two hours ago. Then once we are done, we can submit his birth certificate."
"Carina, I want his middle name to be Andrea, not Andrew. I want it to be listed as a true Italian spelling, ok?"
Carina's eyes welled up and a smile broke across her face. She nodded silently and mouthed 'I love you' as Maya tickled Liam's tummy.
"You are really trying to wiggle out of me yelling at you Bambina."
"What can I say? I know how to work around my Italian wife."
There was a knock on the door as Teddy and Miranda entered. Teddy smiled and shook her head.
"Why is it every time I come in here there is someone laying in bed with you Maya?"
Miranda headed right to Liam and picked him up as Teddy checked Maya's monitors.
"Ok, let's try this again.  Maya, how's your pain?"
"Honestly, it's a solid five.  I definitely feel much less pain than the last time I woke up in this bed."
"That's good to hear.  You're going to be spending at least a couple of nights with us though, and I don't want any arguments about it, got it?"
Maya nodded and sheepishly looked over at her wife.  Carina was standing with her arms crossed staring at Maya.  The last time they were in this situation, Maya was not a good patient at all, but this time she didn't want to argue. 
"I totally agree.  I learned my lesson and I'm already in deep shit with my wife so I'm not looking to create any more aggravation, promise."
Teddy nodded and looked at Carina as Maya put her head down and fidgeted with her pulse monitor on her finger.  Carina mouthed 'thank you' to Teddy and put her hand on Maya's shoulder.  Maya looked up and smiled that innocent dorky smile that always made Carina laugh as Carina rubbed her wife's shoulder. 
"Thank you Teddy and thank you Miranda for taking Liam home for me.  I'm going to spend the night here just to be sure.  Vic said to text her if you need her to come and get him."
"Are you kidding me? I have Ben Warren at home with me tonight and we are going to enjoy baby time.  Besides, Pru keeps asking to see Liam so this is going to be fun."
Teddy finished updating Maya's chart as Miranda collected up Liam's things.
"Maya, if there is any spike in your pain I need you to tell Carina so she can get the night nurse.  I'm off shift in about thirty minutes but I'll leave word for them to call me if you need me. And Carina? It's ok for you to sleep in the bed, just be careful with that right side."
Teddy gave the women a smile and wave as she followed Miranda and Liam out of the room.  Carina smiled and waved back but as soon as the door closed, she turned to Maya and her smile was gone.
"My love, I want to get this out of my system.  I'm so mad at you for not saying anything for twenty four hours!  Maya, twenty four hours?  Do you know how my heart dropped when I saw you get practically blown out of that house?  And then as if it wasn't bad enough, I missed all the signs at the market and when you followed me home afterwards.  Plus, the heart attack you gave me when I looked out of our living room window to see you lying in the driveway?  Bambina, I swear you are going to give me grey hairs! Is that what you want? Me to look like my nonna?"
Maya reached her hand out for Carina and wiggled her fingers when her wife crossed her arms, narrowed her eyes and stood her ground.
"Te amo amore mio."
"Don't attempt to use my own language on me Maya.  You scared me more than I've been scared in a long time.  I want to stay mad at you for a while longer."
"Ok, but can you come over here and be mad at me?  I've got room here on this bed for you to be as mad as you want."
Carina let out her breath loudly as she reached for Maya's hand and let her wife pull her closer,  Maya lifted the blanket and Carina gently got into bed.
"I'm not letting you off the hook that easy you know.  Your blue eyes and that smile aren't going to work on me."
"Ok, well then how about my lips touching yours?  That seems to work well every time."
Carina began to say something but Maya pressed her lips against Carina's in a deep, lingering kiss.  Carina felt her inside temperature rise and she gave in to it as she returned Maya's kiss.  Less than a minute later, Maya's heart monitor registered high and began to beep.  Carina slid off the bed and reached to turn the sound off before climbing back under the covers.  Maya began to slide her hand down to Carina's waist, her kisses growing deeper.
"I want you so bad right now."
"Maya, I want you too, but please Bambina, I can't have you get overstimulated.  I don't want them taking you away from me again. Please try to control yourself."
Maya's fingers pressed against Carina's panties just as her wife reached down and grabbed Maya's wrist.  She pulled Maya's hand up and placed it on her breast. 
"That's a tease you know.  And it's sexy as hell."
"Soon my love, but for tonight I'm going to have to make you wait."
"Fine, you win for tonight.  But tomorrow is another story."
"We shall see."

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