Sucker Punch

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It had been an uneasy night for Carina.  Liam had been exposed to so much stimulation that he was cranky and tired and had kept them both up most of the night.  Carina had finally gotten him to sleep just before dawn.  She had poured herself a caffe latte and settled into the chair in the living room to wait for Maya to get home.  Pulling Maya's SFD blanket down, Carina wrapped herself in it and caught a whiff of her wife's scent.  She nuzzled her face against the fabric and before she realized it, Carina had dozed off.

The rest of Maya's shift had been mostly uneventful.  There had been a motor vehicle call and a bar fight, both of which had resulted in transport to Grey-Sloan.  Each time Maya had moved, the pain in her body got worse.  On their last trip to the hospital, Maya had inquired if Doctor Altman was on call.  She wasn't scheduled until the following morning was the response given.  Maya had left a request to have Teddy call her when she got in.  Back when Maya had last visited the hospital as a patient, Teddy had been the person who had never let Maya's outbursts scare her off.  Even when Maya had lashed out so angrily at Carina, Teddy had simply stood by Maya as a doctor.  They had formed a friendship through that difficult time and since then, Maya had gained a trust in her.  This injury was definitely progressing but Maya didn't want to burden Carina with worrying just yet. 
Stepping out of the shower at the station, Maya took a look at herself in the bathroom mirror.  The bruise was dark, nasty looking and had spread across her midsection.  Maya was beginning to have some difficulty taking deeper breaths and she grimaced as the reality of what might have happened at the house fire the previous morning sunk in.  Grabbing her stuff, Maya headed to her bunk room and shut the door.  Struggling to snap her bra, Maya sat on the edge of the bed and mustered up her strength.  Grabbing the compression bandage, she wrapped her midsection loosely and then slid her top on.  She finished dressing and pressed her feet into her sneakers as the knock on the door was followed with Vic opening it.
"Hey, I'm going to be a few minutes late getting to your house.  I have to stop and run an errand. Cool?"
"Yeah, that's fine.  The alarm company is coming at nine so no rush."
Vic popped a thumbs up and disappeared.  Taking as deep a breath as she could, Maya lifted herself off the bed and grabbed her bag to head out.  At the top of the stairs, Maya just looked at them before turning and hitting the button for the elevator.  The doors opened and she stepped inside, hit the 'DOWN' button and leaned against the wall.  They opened in the lobby and Maya slowly walked out.  As she passed by the captains office, Andy looked up and waved.  Maya smiled and headed out the door.
The drive home was excruciating as the pain continued to rise.  Relieved to be pulling in the driveway, Maya turned the car off and got out.  She was taking her bag out of the back seat when she heard a voice behind her.
"I've been looking for you."
Maya turned and looked at the guy standing at the back of her SUV.  He was staring at her intently and Maya instinctively knew this was the dude Carina had talked about.
"Get off my property.  Stay away from my family or so help me God-"
"Don't threaten me firefighter Barbie...or is that rainbow Barbie?"
Maya pulled her phone from her pocket and unlocked it.  Willy stepped closer to her.
"Don't bother, now that I know where you live I can let your brother know and he can decide how to deal with you.  You people disgust us.  Just wait, we're coming."
Maya began to dial as Willy reached out and landed a sucker punch to her stomach.  She went down hard and started wheezing as the pain finally took over her body.  Willy stood over her for a moment before turning to leave.
"Fucking pussy bitch."
His boots walking away were the last thing Maya saw before she blacked out. 

Vic pulled up to the sidewalk just before Maya and Carina's driveway and turned her car off. She grabbed the little stuffed firefighter bear she had gotten for Liam and got out. She came around the back of Maya's SUV and nearly tripped over her unconscious friend.
"Maya! Holy shit! Maya!"
Vic dropped to her knees and rolled Maya over onto her back.  She was barely breathing and in her hand, her phone had started ringing.  Vic noticed it said 'Teddy' so she grabbed it and answered.
"Teddy it's Vic Hughes!  I just found Maya unconscious in her driveway!  I've got to call 911!"
"What?!  Ok! I'll be waiting when you get here!"
Vic ended the call and then hit the emergency button on Maya's phone and set it to speaker as she began to check her friends vitals.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"This is Victoria Hughes, Station nineteen.  I'm at five one eight Danvers Avenue and I've got a female victim unconscious.  Send someone NOW DAMMIT!"
"Ma'am, can you describe what happened?"
"I just got here! For Christ's sake send a damned aid car!"
Vic stood up and hit the button to open the back of Maya's SUV.  Her go bag was there so Vic grabbed it and pulled it open to grab the scissors and began cutting Maya's shirt open.  She saw the compression bandage and yanked on the Velcro.  Vic sucked in her breath as she noticed the huge bruise across Maya's midsection. 
"Jesus fuckin Christ Maya!  Dispatch, be advised this victim is an SFD firefighter. I have reason to believe she is suffering from severe crush injuries.  Where the hell is the damned aid car?!"
As if on cue, the sound of approaching sirens grew closer.  Vic bent close to Maya's head and whispered.
"Hang on, help is here.  You're going to be ok."

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