The Terms Are...

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Carina stepped out of the shower in the bathroom of her office and heard her cell phone ringing on her desk. She grabbed the towel and hastily pulled it around her torso. Rushing out, she scrambled to her desk and reached for the phone.
"Doctor Deluca? This is Rachel Ramirez from child protective services, do you have a moment to talk?"
Carina felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle and her breath catch in her throat. She coughed slightly to clear it.
"Yes yes, of course Ms Ramirez. Is everything ok?"
"For the most part. We are just finishing up the final review of yours and your wife's application to formally adopt little Liam. Is your wife available to join us on the call?"
Carina swallowed hard and the tears that began to break were followed by a hollow laugh. What the hell was she supposed to tell this woman?
"Unfortunately my wife is not available at this moment, is that an issue? I know she would have loved to hear what you have to say but I can tell her later when I see her."
"No, it's ok. I assumed she was occupied on her job as I did try calling her before I called you. I've got some updates from the family of the birth mother."
Carina was suddenly so glad that Vic hadn't come back yet with her food as she felt her stomach turn.
"Well it seems that the young woman's family were estranged from her because of the pregnancy. That being said, they have set a condition that the life insurance policy that was their daughter's is to be paid to them. They further explained that they will hold the policy in an escrow account to be paid out to Liam in full when he reaches his twenty first birthday. They also have stated that while they do not wish to block the adoption, they are requesting that you and your wife allow them access to Liam when you explain his adoption and if he so chooses, he will be able to explore and develop his own relationship with them. Do you think you and your wife can accept these terms?"
Carina stood in her office dripping water on her carpet, her towel barely covering her body, trying to keep herself from falling over. Was she really hearing this correctly? Her heart was beating so loudly she wondered if Ms. Ramirez could hear it. 'Oh Bambina WHY aren't you here right now?' Carina felt like her head was going to explode.
"Doctor Deluca? Are you there?"
"Si, ahh yes YES I'm so sorry! Ms Ramirez, I can speak for my wife as well when I say that we most definitely can agree to their terms. does this mean that Liam is truly going to be ours?"
"As long as they sign the agreement contract, yes. I can have our office send the paperwork over to their lawyer in the next hour and once we hear back, I will give you and your wife a call to let you know. From there, you both will have to have a finalization interview conducted at which time you will sign the paperwork and the adoption will be completed."
"Ok, and how long will all this take?"
"Provided we hear back in a timely manner, I would expect this to happen within the week. You and your wife will need to both be part of the finalizing process so perhaps you could make sure she is able to request the time off? I do realize she's a first responder, but this shouldn't take more than a couple of hours."
"I understand Ms. Ramirez, I will definitely have a talk with Maya. Grazie...I mean, thank you!"
Rachel laughed on the other end of the phone.
"It's my pleasure Doctor Deluca. It's been a joy to get to know you and Maya. I know that Liam is going to grow up in a very loving and safe family and that is what makes my job satisfying. I'll be in touch soon."
The phone went silent and Carina stared at it as she plopped down hard in her chair. She couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't speak as her brain attempted to digest what had just happened. She was almost terrified to feel any kind of joy in this moment, afraid that if she embraced happiness she would blink and it would all be taken away from her.
'No, stop that! You have endured so much pain and abuse and heartache, this is your reward Carina. You have found true love and are finally getting your family. Embrace yourself and live in the joy.'
As she stood up from behind her desk there was a knock on the door. Carina dropped her phone and reached to actually tuck her towel around herself.
"Si, come in."
Vic opened the door and came through carrying two coffees and a small brown paper bag. She looked at Carina with a questioning smile.
"Well, it's a look anyway, but I'm not sure Maya would want anybody seeing you like this."
Carina actually allowed herself a moment to laugh.
"Vic, I have the most amazing news! We are going to get Liam!"
"What?! Shut UP! YESSS!! Oh my GOD Carina!! I'm so happy for you guys!!"
"Ok, but you have to promise to not tell anyone else! I want to be able to tell Maya before we let anyone else know. Por favore Vic?"
Carina gave Vic the big eyes and slight pouty mouth that always worked on Maya. Vic stared at her for a long minute before breaking into a grin and responding.
"You do know I suck at secrets, right? But tell me, does that look thing work on Maya, like, EVERY time? Because that's genius!"
"Vic! I'm begging you!"
"Ok, ok...I'll pinky promise to keep my mouth shut, but before you start yelling at Maya for this stupid shit she pulled, PLEASE tell her about the adoption first! Deal?"
Vic extended her pinky and Carina smiled as she hooked her pinky to Vic's.
"Ok, now I've got to get dressed and get downstairs. Even though she can't hear me, I have to tell her before I explode!"

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