Lane Bishop

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Carina's phone dinged and she picked it up to read the text from Andy that Liam was home safe and sound and getting ready for bed. Typing out a quick thank you, Carina turned her attention to Maya and let out a loud sigh.
"Against my better judgement I am going to call your mother and let her know what's going on. It's only the fair thing to do my love."
The machines keeping tabs on Maya were the only sounds Carina got in return. She picked up her wife's phone and dialed. After three rings the call connected.
"Hello Maya, this is a surprise."
"Katherine? It's actually Carina, I'm sorry to bother you but I have to tell you something. Maya has been hurt and I'm in the hospital with her."
"What happened? Is she alright? What can I do?"
"Katherine it's ok, Maya was injured at a house fire and the severity of her injuries went unnoticed for the rest of her shift. She collapsed in our driveway and we brought her to Grey-Sloan to treat her."
"Oh my God Carina, I'm coming right now!"
"No, it's-"
The call went silent and Carina muttered under her breath. She dropped the phone back on the table and headed out of Maya's room toward the security desk. The guard on duty looked up from his paper.
"Good evening Doctor Deluca, what can I help you with?"
"George, my wife's mother Katherine will be showing up shortly. She is allowed down but if her husband is with her, he is absolutely not. Ok?"
"Sure thing, I'm off in about a half an hour but I'll let Damon know when he gets here. Oh and Doctor Deluca? I'm really sorry about what happened. I'm sending good vibes your way."
Carina smiled and nodded as she turned to go back down the hall and nearly ran into Arizona.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry...ohh Arizona, I didn't know you were in town! What brings you here?"
"Don't be sorry Carina, I was called in for a consult a few days ago. A special needs child but let's not get into that, I came down here to check on you and Maya. How's she doing?"
Carina began to say something, but stopped and eyed her one time girlfriend.
"What 'special needs' child? Please tell me you aren't being dragged into my lawsuit?"
"Carina, I was asked to come to Grey-Sloan to assist on a case. Yes, it's for the child you delivered but I made it explicitly clear that I would not get involved in any part of that situation. I told them that if asked, I would back your choices completely. I read your notes and the nurses summary and I've talked with Miranda-we all stand with you here, there was no fault on your part."
Carina stared at Arizona, gauging her tone. They hadn't dated for long, but Carina was a pretty good judge of character. If Arizona said that she would stand by Carina, she meant it.
"Thank you. I've just been so preoccupied with Liam and scaling back my workload and the new house and the lawsuit and now this with Maya, it's just been a whirlwind and I'm trying to keep it all above water."
Arizona placed her hand gently on Carina's arm and gave it a squeeze.
"Listen, it's all going to be ok, I promise. Look, why don't we go get a coffee and you just take a minute to clear your head? I'd love to see pictures of Liam and you won't believe how much Sofia has grown."
They had walked back to Maya's room while they were talking so Carina peeked her head inside to check on her wife before closing the door.
"I only have a little bit of time, Maya's mom is on her way and I don't want to not be here when she shows up."
Arizona nodded in understanding as the women headed toward the cafeteria.

Lane Bishop pulled his car into a spot and watched as his wife rushed into the ICU ward of Grey-Sloan. She had gotten a phone call from Maya, hung up abruptly and snuck out of the house. Lane had heard the car start and watched her backing out of the driveway so he decided to follow her. Turning the car off, he got out and headed inside. Katherine was speaking to the guard who got up and motioned for her to follow him just as another guard emerged from the security office and sat in the vacant chair. Lane approached the desk and smiled.
"Hi, I'm looking for my daughter, Maya Bishop? I was told she's here."
The guard looked at his monitor and nodded.
"Yes, she's just down the hall there, Room seven."
"Thanks, I'm just going to hit the head and wash my hands before I go in."
"Sure thing, bathroom is on your way down there, on the right side."
Giving the guard a quick salute, Lane headed down the hall. He passed the guard that had escorted his wife who was heading back up to the desk. Crossing the hallway, Lane scanned the numbers until he reached his daughter's room. Opening the door, he was momentarily taken aback. Seeing Maya laying there motionless reminded him of the day they had come home from Maya's track meet and found Mason had overdosed. He felt the same hot fury rush into him at seeing his child being less than perfect.
"What the hell happened here? Why is she lying there?"
Katherine gasped at his arrival and stood up from Maya's bedside, extending her arms toward Lane's chest as he moved toward the bed.
"Lane please! Maya's been hurt! Please don't do this!"
"Don't tell me what to do! Get the hell out of my way!"
Lane grabbed Katherine by the arms and was pushing her back just as the door opened and Carina entered followed by Arizona.
"Che cazzo sta succedendo qui?! How did you get in here? Esci subito dannazione!"
Arizona yelled down the hall for security as Carina felt the rage she never displayed come over her. She charged at Lane as Katherine tried to step between them. Lane balled his fist and swung his arm backwards, landing his knuckles across Carina's jaw and slamming her into the chair by Maya's bed, tipping it over just as Katherine reached forward and pushed him. Losing his balance, Lane fell backwards into Maya's bed as the two security guards pushed their way in past Arizona and Katherine. His white rage flared and Lane pushed hard against his daughter's bed, crashing it into the monitors. Alarms began to ring out as Maya was jolted sideways, her body stopped from falling out by the side rails. Each guard grabbed one of Lane's arms and bent him forward, pulling his shoulder blades up and back.
"Get off of me! How dare you touch me!"
Arizona moved swiftly to check on Carina as the guards dragged Lane out of the room. She had a gash at her hairline and a nasty red mark forming across her jaw.
"Carina, let me look at you!"
"No! Maya! Check on Maya!"
Carina pushed her way toward her wife trying to push past the trauma team that had flooded in, alerted by the alarms. Arizona grabbed Carina by the waist and pulled her back as Teddy rushed in past them.
"Get these monitors back up! Be careful rolling her! Easy! Ok, now reestablish the O2 feed and get that potassium drip line back in place! Move people. I'm going to need the portable x-ray so I can scan her crush zone!"
Teddy took a second to look over at Carina, Arizona and Katherine.
"What happened here? Carina! You're bleeding!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine! Just focus on Maya!"
Katherine was standing in the corner of the room, watching silently as tears rolled down her face. Carina pulled Arizona's arms off of her and moved toward Katherine.
"Why would you bring him here?"
"I-I didn't! I swear it! I didn't tell him anything! He must have followed me!"
From out in the hallway Lane's voice could still be heard yelling and threatening. Carina stood there, holding her throbbing jaw, watching Teddy work and found herself being grateful that Maya was currently unconscious.

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