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The bus doors opened and Mason stepped off on to the sidewalk to head toward his sisters house.  He had come every day but still hadn't seen Maya at all.  He heard Willy bragging at the bar how he 'dropped a rainbow fire chick with one punch' and everyone laughed and wanted to buy him a drink.  Mason would just sit in the corner and listen.  Willy hadn't told anyone it was Mason's sister that he did it to and for that Mason was glad.  He had been struggling with his feelings ever since he saw Maya at that parade, and when the firefighter chick had confronted him about the shooting at the market, Mason had been wondering just how he would have reacted if his sister had been there and something had happened to her.
All he knew for sure was that he wanted to talk to Maya.  He had so much anger and mixed emotions burning inside himself constantly all he wanted to do was scream and smash things or just get high and forget about all of it.  Maya had always tried with him, even when he was a complete dick to her.  He didn't know what it might accomplish, but he knew he had to have a face-to-face with his big sister. Every day he leaned against the fence across the street from Maya's house and he had watched as people constantly were coming and going but Mason had not seen Maya at all.  What he did see was a tall dark haired woman drive up and be greeted by the black firefighter chick with a big hug before going into the house together.  A short time later, she had emerged and was carrying a tote bag.  Mason had heard her call over her shoulder, speaking with an Italian accent as she got into her car and drove away.  She hadn't been back since so Mason wondered if that was Maya's girlfriend. 
So where the hell was his sister?  Could she have been out of town because there was no way Willy had sucker punched her so bad that she'd still be in the hospital. But Maya had been so conditioned by their father that she never took vacations so what was really going on here?  It was pissing Mason off to keep waiting for her to show up so he pushed himself off the fence.
"Fuck it, I might as well go check."
Strolling across the street, Mason casually made his way up the driveway and toward the front door.  He was just about to the porch when a car pulled up and two guys got out.  They were talking about how the house a few doors down was scheduled for demolition and how 'badass' Bishop was for saving the kid and surviving the crush injury.  Mason turned around to make it seem like he was just leaving and as he passed tbem, he chimed in.
"So were you guys at the fire?"
"We rolled up just as her and Hughes came out.  That house is toast.  Hey, how's everybody inside? Any idea when Bishop and her wife are leaving Grey-Sloan?"
Mason just blinked and shrugged his shoulders. 
"Nah, I just wanted to stop by, sorry...I don't know anything."
"Gotcha.  Hey what house you from? Are you a Probie?  We haven't met.  I'm Carter and this is Jones, we're from 83."
"Oh, I'm uhh...Biggs, I um, I'm not out of the academy yet.  I just wanted to pay respects, y'know?"
"Nice, well good luck Probie.  We have an opening at 83 if you want me to talk to our captain and have him put in a good word for ya when you graduate."
"Uhhh yeah, sure. Thanks. Well, see ya, I gotta go."
Mason hurried down the driveway and toward the corner to catch the bus.  So Maya was in the hospital AND she was married, to a chick.  'That's who that Italian woman was.' He thought to himself.  He had to admit, his sister had good taste, that we for sure. 'Well yeah, she's a friggin Olympian, why wouldn't she bag a sexy Italian.'
The bus pulled up and Mason got on, walked to the back and sat down.  As the bus turned the corner and passed by his sister's house, Mason scanned the layout.  Even with all the cameras and security, he'd find a way to see Maya. They had a lot to talk about.

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