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Willy sat in his car and watched as the scene played out while he waited for Mason to show up. The ambulance took off with the Italian chick while the black chick picked everything up and went inside. He was feeling good about himself that the firefighter chick had gone down so fast, but when the black chick cut her shirt open and he saw the huge bruise his ego deflated a bit. Still, when he would tell the story, he'd be the hero and that was all he cared about.
A few minutes passed and the passenger door opened as Mason got in. Willy turned to him.
"What the fuck dude, your sister's a fag?"
"She's bi actually...and I'd rather not talk about it."
"Don't matter what you say, she's a fuckin' dyke. Morris is going to lose his shit on you."
"And that's why I never said a fucking word to anyone asshole."
"You going soft M? You maybe one of 'em too?"
"Say it again and I'll beat your ass."
"A'ight, what's the plan? We gonna light the house up or something?"
"I don't know yet. I just wanted to know where she lives. So is she home right now?"
Willy blinked, he didn't realize that Mason had no clue what had just happened. He started chuckling.
"Dude, I fucking gut punched her and she went down like a rag doll. I thought you said she was some kind of super athlete or some shit? They took her to the hospital. Her Italian les chick went with her."
Mason stared at the house.
"So nobody's there now?"
"Nahh, some black chick is in there with the kid. Maybe she's one of them too huh?"
"Come on, let's go. I've got to think about this."
Willy looked at Mason for a second while he started the car. Then he put the shifter in D and took off.

Vic had noticed the car with the guy sitting in it when she had come into the house. She zoomed her camera phone as close as she could and took a picture of the license plate and tried to get a picture with the guy in the driver seat. When the blonde haired guy walked up and got in, Vic got a picture of him too.
Then Liam had started to cry so Vic went to get him. By the time they came back into the living room, the car was gone.
"Ok little man, let's get you something to eat."
Liam looked up at Vic and raspberried her. Vic smiled and raspberrried him back. She had just gotten his bottle ready when the doorbell rang. Vic looked out the bay window and saw the installation van in front of the house. She went to the door and called through it.
"Can you please verify your identification?"
The technician pulled his badge from his pocket and stuck it on the window. Vic snapped a picture of it and then went to unlock the door to let him in.
"Mrs. Deluca-Bishop?"
"Ohhhh no, I'm not either one of them. But I know what they want so let's get started. I want this house secured as fast and well as possible."
"Works for me. Where's the main fuse panel so I can get started?"
Vic pointed toward the door to the basement and then turned her attention back to Liam who was just about finished with his bottle.

Vic had just put Liam down for a nap when there was a knock on the door. She looked out the window and then opened it. Andy came in, followed by two women.
"Vic, this is my Tia and you already know my cousin Michelle. I asked them if they could help Carina out while she's staying at the hospital with Maya. Everyone is down there now and I figured you'd want to come back with me? "
"Yeah, ok. The alarm tech is just finishing up so can we hang for a few? I want to make sure we know everything about the system too. Plus, I need to talk to you."
Andy nodded and followed Vic out to the back yard.
"What's up?"
"So after they took Maya, I came inside and I noticed this dude sitting in a car across the street. He gave off a super creep vibe."
Vic airdropped the pictures to Andy so she could get a look.
"I don't want to jump to conclusions Andy, but do you think he was one of the protesters? Do you think he was at the market shooting? Like why the hell is he stalking Maya and Carina?"
"Wait, this guy who gets in the car...Vic, that's Mason. Carina saw him at the farmers market. Jesus, he's stalking his own sister."
"You-you don't think he, he couldn't have been targeting Carina and Liam?"
"I really hope not. That would wreck Maya. But, ok...let's not jump to conclusions yet. I'm going to call detective Lord and put in a report. We are going to make sure that this house is never left unattended. Carina is at the hospital with Maya so she's going to be safe. We have to make sure Liam is too so I'm going to call my uncle and see if he can find some buddies to help out."
"This sucks. All of it. Why can't people just let people live their lives? For Christ's sake Andy, both Maya and Carina help people! They are the most selfless women we know! Why should they be treated like shit because some assholes have-"
"Vic, it's ok...I know. But we can't let them get to us. We are stronger than any of the closed minded asshats that bully our friends. We will protect our own."
"Damn right we will."

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