~~~Without You

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*Here lies the souls of who were; hearts of what has come-- and memories of what's never to return. A simple goodbye may seem impossible.*

Signed out... Azrael.

The sudden lock of his phone screen, pressed by a thumb against the power button, sends the device to darkness, his pointed nail grazing over the object slowly, damaging the coated screen.

With his palm cradling it, Kisha sits, staring at the blank screen for a few moments after perusing another update from someone known as Azrael. His impassive face flickers, icy blue eyes shifting side to side. They betray only the curiosity that compels him to read Azrael's posts with reluctance.

Somehow, Kisha became Azrael's biggest fan because if there was one person who suddenly became public enemy number one, it would now be this... Azrael. A school-wide hunt for his head is active.

Effortlessly the days went on as if no one had a story to tell, but this new poster popped up on the school board website and wasn't greeted with open arms. If everyone knew he was following this individual, he wouldn't stop hearing their chatter. Classes continued every day after the incident involving Diamond and Asho.

Even Ahni's death was none other than a spec in the history of Nirvana. The bloodshed that they spilled here embedded itself in the walls. Easily wiped away with an order from the principal.

The principal sent out a bulletin warning other students of their involvement and anyone could easily be removed from Nirvana Academy if the word got out to the general public. The threat worked because no one came forth. Authorities were never notified and family members remained with whatever excuse P. Jones gave them.

What he had meant was the students who did not bring in the money were expendable. This prompted a school-wide shutdown and the removal of some students by the hundreds, decreasing Nirvana's population by a third. Principal Jones would never release the students back into the communities so it was rumored that those men were shipped off to another branch. 

The Pack took a significant blow in members. It brought temporary uproar by parents who thought the school was a place to dump their troubled adults. P. Jones had an answer for that as well. Then the break period began, but now, Nirvana's doors were soon going to open up again given the upcoming weeks.

It's been a long time since seeing the face of newcomers.

The opening ceremony was drawing near once more, more months beneath the hidden sins of a school built on greed. None of the highest gangs nor their highest members were affected.

Teachers were told to remain on high alert and gang leaders new and old began to ramp up their activity. Status was to remain secured and those that broke the peace were in the way. With such negativity flowing through the school, why not take advantage?

It was like the entire school was shaken and now with the head on the bull falling apart the academy bled slowly. As the school unfolds, there is still only one student who remains stuck in his place. Chaos ensued around him, yet he was already lost according to some.

A student who had never wished for the loss. One who blames himself for why things didn't go as planned. The battle he had to partake in only spewed his mind with shame and his core with regret. How could he have been so weak? If it wasn't for Crescent jumping into the fight to help him, would he have been killed? How did he have the audacity to sit here and say that he did anything right?

Kisha was useless.

Turning back the hands of time? He'd offer his life for a second chance.

Despite the disgust that surfaced, he was driven by a mission to accomplish, which became his reason to rise each day. The fear of what lay ahead was real, but the wolf within left him no choice. Carrying the weight of emotions he'd tries to mute, he set out on a path reluctant to tread. Riddled with worry yet propelled by a fierce instinct, he could not bring himself to a halt.

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