Chapter 6 - You Let A Monster In

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Only outlet of aggression that became justified to win? Sports. Many of these adults went hard on each other; fights threatened to break out, but the gym teacher had his ways of coaxing the men down before ultimately threatening to send them to the principal's office. 

These intense sports resembled a survival game where the best team would emerge victorious at any cost. Today offers a brief respite. The sport of the day? Soccer. With his speed and agility, he was almost always the first pick for team captains, who feared the rival team might claim him first.

It was a given that the team with Kisha would triumph. He didn't mind the attention, as the ball was often passed to him. He only needed to control his strength; kicking the ball too forcefully could burst it. He had honed his skills to blend in just enough to keep everyone on their toes.

Many of the students believed he was a destined sports player. Good at everything he does. Kisha had to kill his instinct as well, given the fact that the sports got competitive and many of the males did not want to lose. He allowed humans to challenge him even if the desire to speak up burned a hole in his voice box.

The rules of the game were simple.

Final score? 35-50. Kisha's team won.

The amount of sweat drenching clothing meant walking around the school with the air conditioners blaring wasn't ideal. It wasn't appealing, and he thought he smelled even worse. So, after all students had found their way back, he lingers to have the giant shower to himself.

Pulling his soaked shirt from his frame, tossed with a plop against the nearest bench. It slid, landing on top of his other items. The lockers were eerily quiet, no one in sight. It was the way he liked it to be. The waving extended lamp shined a light in various directions, casting his shadow everywhere. He felt as if he had become the entity trapped inside icy walls, planted upon the memories once he left.

A scoop of his favorite dark purple towel, the only thing that's not of school class color. He tossed it over his shoulder. Pitter patters of feet led him to the glass door.

Why were the showers so exposed? It was a change in design years ago. If the gym teacher needed to, he could easily glance and check the situation out. This left many of the students open as well. Exposed to those who may have been targeting them or were bold enough to act upon sexual desires. Unspeakable actions took place here.

If a rival gang decided to send a message, it would be here while the individual was at their most vulnerable.

Most things that went on in here weren't of drug use. More explicit actions were the norm. Some men left torn, stripped of dignity. Who would've known the atmosphere in the showers was just like that of being in prison? A lot of students preferred the comfort of their dorm rooms.

Kisha places his warm hand around the knob, pushing it open and allowing it to swing behind him as he made a B-Line to the shower of choice. He tosses the towel on a shower bench only to turn, grab hold of the shower knob and turn the water to the highest level of hot.

Hot water against his already high body temperature feels like he's burning from the inside out, but he enjoys the sensation only when it comes to water. He dislikes hot weather. Placing both hands against the newly cleaned dark blue tiled wall, a dip of his head under the stream, and a close of his eyes.

His breathing was slow and calm, steam entrapping him with not much oxygen. Unpleasant, but enjoyed. Kisha listens to the sounds of the water, feeling the force of his strands glue to his frame. It reminds him of the waterfalls he used to swim under as a child. His mother worried, thinking the force would sweep him away. Even when he was pulled under, Kisha always popped up a few feet away, enjoying the thrill.

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