Chapter 5 - Alliances

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"I sent a threat to Saikai."

Hands are folded beneath his chin, intertwined fingers support his entire head, Diamond remains calm, collected as he speaks. He watches the back of Asho, who's sporadically swinging his legs as he sits on the edge of his large desk. Though naturally, Diamond did not accept this disrespect, he wasn't so keen on watching Asho flip personalities, however. 

They had been sitting here for quite some time in silence, with Asho sometimes blurting things out to himself. Asho's presence dampens his office's interior like a stain.

Dressed in not his uniform, but his class grade shirt and shorts, he decides to take a day away from classes. With failing grades as every year, a not-so-caring attitude, and something else holding him back, his mind's occupied.

Plans that will fall like dominos to snag and catch Azrael. 

A light knock follows their silence and the shadow figure seen at the base of the door shifts. Diamond always had an Elite or two guarding his door. They would either turn intruders away or allow people inside. It didn't matter what Diamond was doing. They had the sole decision unless meetings were orchestrated by himself.

The door slowly opens and in steps the final male to his plan, his red locks like a handful of cherries against the faint lamp at the door. He's a bit timid, nothing Diamond couldn't handle, walking slowly into the room as if he couldn't see anything.


Diamond speaks with little patience, a heavy tone not taking no for an answer. He's waited long enough. Watching the weary Saikai find a seat within a group of chairs tucked in center room. A light brown coffee table with nothing on it but one picture frame and a dying candle. The carpet is stiff, as though burned to get the texture. Saikai hates this room. A tomb of violence, anger, hatred, and disgust all whirled into one. The smell is even worse.

He remembers it clearly. The darkness inside this room plagued him for nights afterward. He could hardly sleep, suffering from superficial burning sensations even after the wounds healed. The terrors only woke him in cold sweats and Kisha's unexpressed emotions of worry only brought him forward, hinting at starting a war with the Elites.

The way he had been manhandled and forced to take on a punishment he didn't cause. Diamond wasn't the most ideal person to sit around, and knowing what he did to Fuchsia and Ehma only adds to Saikai's hesitation.

He shouldn't be here. 

This was a betrayal to everyone, especially Kisha. 

Diamond's voice yanks Saikai back to reality, causing him to look up and momentarily forget his friends. He knew he had to set his thoughts aside for the moment and give these two an audience. His fists clench tightly, resting on his knees. But how could he possibly do this?

"I've called you both here, because as you know... The lower gangs are going to start moving and we need to get ahold of this bastard before things get worse." Diamond taps his pointer finger against the table.

"They still lack the numbers, but you guys with your large ass gangs— easily will lose numbers to Azrael. His army will grow. I'm not asking for your help. To clean Nirvana Academy is the goal."

Asho lets out a soft chuckle, taking a deep breath, and his fingers begin to drum on the desk, imitating Diamond. His hat barely clung on, askew to one side with untidy strands of black hair sticking out. Asho's gang, notorious for instigating brawls, was the wildest of all. Asho protected his combatants, biding his time for the right moment. Moreover, a treasured item belonging to his gang has vanished without a trace—Crescent White.

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